Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Ohio
by Analyse WellsHi, it’s Wilkes Ellsworth, your Independent Program Attorney for Ohio, here again to discuss another topic having to do with firearms—specifically, warning shots and whether or not they are legal. In any discussion about warning shots, we should first understand the basic concepts of Ohio law as they relate to the use of deadly force... [Read More]
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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Ohio
by ssorensonMany of us like to travel with our firearms so that we are safe regardless of where we are. Ohio has seen some relatively recent changes in the law when it comes to firearms and air travel. The new law relaxed the restriction on license holders, making it legal to carry your concealed firearm in... [Read More]
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Defending The Flock | Ohio
by ssorensonPermission Required Guns in churches. Is it legal? Yes, it is absolutely legal for religious organizations to institute such rules and guidelines to allow guns in places of worship. Of course, we all know that churches are on that list of prohibited places that even with a concealed handgun license, you are prohibited from carrying... [Read More]
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Can You Shoot a Thief? | Ohio
by ssorensonUnder what circumstances can I use deadly force to defend my property? Ohio law does not allow the use of deadly force to defend property under any circumstances. One can use basic force to defend one’s possessions, but not deadly force. Now, I am speaking in the context of basic thefts here. For instance, someone... [Read More]
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The Criminal Record You Didn’t Know You Had | Ohio
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. Hi, it’s Wilkes Ellsworth, Independent Program Attorney for Ohio. Today, I’d like to talk to you about wiping clean a blemish or two Ohioans might have on their background that could interfere with their ability to carry firearms. Sometimes, mistakes in our past can have real effects on our... [Read More]
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Can I Carry To a Sporting Event | Ohio
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. Hi, it’s Wilkes Ellsworth your Independent Program Attorney for Ohio. Today, I’d like to talk to you about guns and sports. With there always being some sports season going on and the number of people carrying firearms in the state of Ohio ever growing, I wanted to discuss guns... [Read More]
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The “Failing To Document” Fiasco… | Ohio
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. Hi, this is Wilkes Ellsworth, your Independent Program Attorney in Ohio. I’d like to talk to you today about stolen firearms, what we should do in those circumstances, and documenting your firearms. Secure Your Firearm First off, we should always take precautions to properly secure our firearms and other... [Read More]
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3 Gun Law Myths…BUSTED! | Ohio
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. As part of my responsibilities to U.S. LawShield members, I may answer questions by phone and email. As a result of answering these questions, I have discovered there are some common myths among our members that I would like to address. Myth Number One: Signs prohibiting firearms that are... [Read More]
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Attention Good Samaritans: Be Careful Who You Save | Ohio
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. Today, I would like to talk to you about third-party defense. Can you legally come to the aid of a third person (whether that be a stranger, family member, or friend) and use force or deadly force to protect that person in the State of Ohio? The answer is... [Read More]
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How NOT to Fire Off the New Year | Ohio
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. U.S. LawShield members in Ohio, I am Wilkes Ellsworth, Independent Program Attorney in Ohio, here to talk to you about another holiday-themed topic that most, if not all of you, already know, but may not think about when you’re caught up in the fun of New Year’s Eve celebrations.... [Read More]
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Be Careful Around These Guests During the Holidays | Ohio
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. The holiday season is upon us and families and friends are getting together to celebrate. What is your responsibility when someone, whether it be a family member or a friend, comes to your house where you have your loaded firearm? What if you go where they are and you are... [Read More]
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Can I Defend Myself in an Ohio Mall Parking Lot?
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffThe following is a video transcript. I wanted to talk to you about defending yourself while out and about this holiday season. Obviously, Christmas brings with it the inevitable shopping season. And while many of you might be like me and do as much of your shopping from the convenient confines of your own home,... [Read More]
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