Can I be Sued for Choosing to Help? | Ohio
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. Historical origins of the Good Samaritan aside, the idea that people want to help others in need is still relevant today. In line with that idea, I wanted to discuss the effect the law in Ohio has on you, the prospective Good Samaritan. Whether it be an accident at... [Read More]
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Ohio Night Terrors: Defending Against Criminal Mischief
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. Can I use my firearm to defend my home or property? How about while I’m out trick-or-treating with my kids or grandkids? Generally, there isn’t going to be anything different regardless of the fact that it’s Halloween. The State of Ohio doesn’t change anything based on the day or... [Read More]
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Firearms and Medical Marijuana: What is the law in Ohio?
by ssorensonVideo Transcript. Legalization of medical and recreational marijuana have been spreading across the states, leading to increased struggles between state and federal legislation. But what does this mean for responsible gun owners? U.S. LawShield Independent Program Attorney, Wilkes Ellsworth, breaks down the latest in Ohio law for marijuana use, in regards to possessing and owning... [Read More]
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Gun Rights Groups Challenge Ohio Firearms Regulations
by sseverinoGun rights activists have filed lawsuits against the city of Columbus regarding Ohio gun regulations. City leaders approved a broad package of regulations that made carrying a firearm after suffering a disability a misdemeanor and prohibited the brandishing of imitation firearms in public. The city also has approved the banning of so-called “rate-of-fire firearms enhancers,”... [Read More]
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Great U.S. Member Perks To Use Today!
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffHi, U.S. Law Shield Members: We wanted to let you know about some fantastic deals you are eligible for through our 2A Member Perks program. For example, Autrey’s Armory, Inc., in Fayetteville, Georgia, gives Members 20% off range time when you show your U.S. Law Shield Membership Card. You can hone your skills and save... [Read More]
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Ohio Bill Calls for Eliminating Requirement to Inform Police of Concealed Handgun
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffOhio House Bill 142 would eliminate the requirement for concealed weapons holders to notify police that they are carrying a handgun in their vehicle. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Scott Wiggam, R-Wooster, and has been referred to committee. Under current Ohio law, concealed-handgun-license holders stopped by police or other law-enforcement officials must disclose that they... [Read More]
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Appellate Court Overturns Cleveland Gun-Offender Registry
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffOhio’s Eighth District Court of Appeals has found that the city of Cleveland’s gun-offender registry is invalid as it conflicts with state law. The City of Cleveland established the registry in 2015 under Codified Ordinance 931-14 Chapter 628. It required any Cleveland resident convicted of a gun offense to submit a gun-offender registration form to... [Read More]
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Expanded Concealed-Carry Law Takes Effect in Ohio
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffOhio Senate Bill 199 took effect March 21, allowing Buckeye State residents with concealed-carry permits to carry guns in many places where it was previously illegal. This includes the unsecured areas of airports, notably the drop-off locations and certain baggage areas. SB 199, passed in the wake of the November 2016 terror attack at the University... [Read More]
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Upcoming Ohio Seminars & Workshops
by Jesse PerezThink owning a gun is all the protection you need? The fact is that innocent gun owners go to jail every day just for exercising their right of self-defense. Don’t let it happen to you! Find out how to protect yourself after you’ve pulled the trigger by attending one of our events. Get the facts... [Read More]
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Affiliate Profile: Buffalo Cartridge Co. Lives the Motto of 'God, Guns, Country'
by PJ HermosaIf Ken Cooper and his business partners at Buffalo Cartridge Company are correct, the recent election showed that the values of people who believe in the personal right to self defense, and who love to hunt, shoot, and attend gun shows, are becoming stronger than ever. Buffalo Cartridge Company, a Texas & U.S. Law Shield... [Read More]
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Ohio Governor Signs Gun-Rights Expansion into Law
by Jesse PerezOn December 19, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed Amended Substitute Senate Bill 199, which includes several pro-gun provisions that U.S. Law Shield of Ohio Members should enjoy. It will go into effect in 90 days. Sponsored by state Senator Joe Uecker (R-14), Sub. SB 199 would provide the following: Active-duty members of the military that... [Read More]
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Legislation Proposed to Clean Up Concealed Carry Issue for Churches in Ohio
by PJ HermosaThere are some who view the state’s current concealed carry law as vague when it comes to the issue of whether or not concealed carry is permitted in churches or other places of worship. Existing law prohibits concealed carry in churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship unless those locations opt to permit it. Therein lies the... [Read More]
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