
Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Texas

Planning a vacation for your summer holidays? Not knowing the law could lead to severe consequences. You must know the law that applies to every step of your trip: from how to legally pack your gun for a flight, what to do when you get to the airport, and how the law in your end... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Colorado

Doug Richards for U.S. LawShield of Colorado. I want to talk to you today about traveling with your firearm, and not traveling in the way we’ve talked about in the past. This time I want to talk about going to the airport. TRAVELING TO THE AIRPORT Let’s start with when you’re leaving your house. Now, if... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Florida

Traveling During the Summer? Summer holidays are fast approaching. That means many of you will be going on trips and flying on airplanes. There are some very important things you must remember if you are flying with your firearms. Although we have discussed this before, we thought it would be a good time to remind... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Georgia

Summer holidays are fast approaching, and it’s important to be reminded about the regulations in regard to securing, transporting, and flying with a firearm. Let’s begin with your arrival at the airport. Arriving at the Airport If you have a Weapon Carry License, or so long as you are eligible to possess a weapon (even... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Missouri

Planning a vacation for your summer holidays? Before you start researching plane tickets, take some time to review these very important regulations when flying with a firearm. Missouri law prohibits carrying a firearm in any place where it is prohibited by Federal Law, as well as prohibits carrying a firearm in any area of an... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | New Jersey

Evan Nappen, Independent Program Attorney for U.S. LawShield here. Today I want to talk about flying with guns in New Jersey. In New Jersey, there’s no exemption, per se, that allows you to bring your guns to the airport. I’ve had many cases where I’ve represented individuals who were charged with gun possession at the... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | North Carolina

We’re approaching the Summer, when many of us have vacation plans, so I want to talk about traveling by air with your firearm. North Carolina law prohibits carrying a firearm anywhere it is prohibited by Federal law. That includes areas of the airport controlled by security administered by the Federal Government. Let’s talk about transporting... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Ohio

Many of us like to travel with our firearms so that we are safe regardless of where we are. Ohio has seen some relatively recent changes in the law when it comes to firearms and air travel. The new law relaxed the restriction on license holders, making it legal to carry your concealed firearm in... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Oklahoma

When it comes to flying with your gun, first and foremost you cannot carry open or concealed at the airport. Whatever you do, don’t forget about your gun in your carry-on bag. Many Oklahomans rush to the airport only to discover their concealed carry gun stayed in a backpack, purse, or other carry-on luggage. TSA... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Virginia

Traveling with a firearm on a commercial airline can be legal as long as the firearm is transported and unloaded in a locked, hard-sided container as checked baggage. Anyone traveling with firearms and/or ammunition should always check with every airport being used and their commercial airline in any other state they are visiting with firearms... [Read More]

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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Pennsylvania

Planning a vacation for your summer holidays? Not knowing the law could lead to severe consequences. You must know the law that applies to every single step of your trip, from how you legally pack your gun for flight, what to do once you get to the airport, and how the law in your end... [Read More]

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Air Travel: Carry-On Bags and Firearms Don’t Mix!

  Country singer and “American Idol” winner Scotty McCreery was stopped at a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport when TSA agents discovered a loaded handgun in the singer’s carry-on bag. USA Today reported that “McCreery had tried to carry the gun through a passenger checkpoint before boarding a flight July 13. While McCreery has... [Read More]

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