The 3 Mistakes Not Worth Making for Oklahoma Gun Owners…
by U.S. LawShield Staff KSNobody is perfect, this includes gun owners. Take a minute to review the top three mistakes gun owners make here in Oklahoma.
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Texas
by Analyse WellsThe following is a video transcript. It’s Saturday night. As you reach for the popcorn, you notice the motion sensor lights outside kick on. You look outside. You see a group of teenagers scattering across your front yard, heading for the street. One of them remains standing like a deer in headlights. What can you... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Florida
by Analyse WellsOn June 21st, 2014, Governor Rick Scott signed House Bill 89 (HB 89), making it law. The media inappropriately labeled HB 89 “The warning shot law.” However, nowhere in HB 89 or Florida’s statutes will you find the words “warning shots” used. Instead, you will find the words “threaten to use force” throughout House Bill... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Georgia
by Analyse WellsAre warning shots okay? Warning shots are not specifically addressed anywhere in Georgia law, but what if you do fire a warning shot? Can you be charged with a crime? Yes, you certainly can. Consider “reckless conduct” found in Official Code of Georgia Section 16-5-60: “A person who causes bodily harm to or endangers the... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Missouri
by Analyse WellsIf you are faced with a threat, is it okay to fire a warning shot? The truth is this: warning shots are a bad idea. Only use deadly force against deadly force Under Missouri law, you are only justified in using deadly force to protect yourself if you are facing an imminent threat of deadly... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | New Jersey
by Analyse WellsHi. Evan Nappen here, Independent Program Attorney from New Jersey for U.S. LawShield. Today, I want to talk about warning shots. Are warning shots ever advisable? Let me say this: I would advise against warning shots for a number of reasons. Any time you fire a gun you are responsible for that projectile, and if... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Ohio
by Analyse WellsHi, it’s Wilkes Ellsworth, your Independent Program Attorney for Ohio, here again to discuss another topic having to do with firearms—specifically, warning shots and whether or not they are legal. In any discussion about warning shots, we should first understand the basic concepts of Ohio law as they relate to the use of deadly force... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Oklahoma
by Analyse WellsTitle 21 section 1364, entitled “Discharging firearm,” states that “every person who willfully discharges any pistol, rifle, shotgun, airgun or other weapon, or throws any other missile in any public place, or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby, although no injury to any person shall ensue, is guilty of... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Pennsylvania
by Analyse WellsI am asked frequently if warning shots are a good idea. In Pennsylvania, the answer is no. The term “warning shots” is not found anywhere in the Pennsylvania statutes. You won’t find a statute saying that warning shots are prohibited, and you won’t find a statute defining what a warning shot is, but we are... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Virginia
by Analyse WellsHi, Ed Riley, U.S. LawShield Independent Program Attorney from Virginia. Warning shots: are they ever a good idea? What is a Warning Shot? A warning shot is an intentional gunshot often made with the firearm pointed in the air or at the ground with the intent not to harm, but to subdue or scare off... [Read More]
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