Post-COVID Travel Facts for Gun Owners
by Kendra BlalockBefore you hit the road with your handgun this travel season, let's talk about what you need to know before you travel across state lines.
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The 3 Mistakes Not Worth Making for Georgia Gun Owners…
by U.S. LawShield Staff KSNobody is perfect, this includes gun owners. Take a minute to review the top three mistakes gun owners make here in Georgia.
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Flight Diverted, Security Alerted…
by U.S. LawShield StaffHolidays travels means you’ve planned every last detail before heading out the door. But what happens when a diverted plane carries you into territory with unfriendly gun laws?
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Traveling State Spotlight: California
by Kayla StrzeleckiCalifornia is a beautiful state with a lot to offer visitors. However, it is NOT a gun friendly state. Independent Program Attorney Virginia Landry breaks down the ordinances enacted that may be particular to the area you are visiting.
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The World’s Worst Traffic Stop…
by Kayla StrzeleckiAre you thinking about traveling out-of-state with your gun? Think again. This mother's innocent road trip goes horribly wrong and reminds you to research and know the law and the jurisdictions of the state you will be traveling through.
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Traveling State Spotlight: New Jersey
by Analyse WellsThe following is a video transcript. DON’T COME TO NEW JERSEY WITH A FIREARM Having practiced gun law in New Jersey for over 30 years, let me give you some advice if you are planning to come to New Jersey with a firearm: Don’t come to New Jersey. It’s that simple. If you bring your... [Read More]
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It’s Legal to Carry My Gun Across the Country… Right?
by Analyse WellsThe following is a video transcript. School’s out, the sun is shining, and you’ve got several days of vacation lined up. It’s time for a trip. But before you pack your pistol and leave your Second Amendment sanctuary state, join us as we discuss some common misconceptions about traveling with firearms. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to... [Read More]
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Multi-State Protection Spotlight
by ssorensonWith the start of summer approaching, it’s time to consider all your upcoming travels. Are you surprising your children with a trip to Disney World? Or maybe your niece is about to graduate from college? No matter the occasion, get the same protection you have in your home state with Multi-State coverage. It extends the... [Read More]
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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Texas
by ssorensonPlanning a vacation for your summer holidays? Not knowing the law could lead to severe consequences. You must know the law that applies to every step of your trip: from how to legally pack your gun for a flight, what to do when you get to the airport, and how the law in your end... [Read More]
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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Colorado
by ssorensonDoug Richards for U.S. LawShield of Colorado. I want to talk to you today about traveling with your firearm, and not traveling in the way we’ve talked about in the past. This time I want to talk about going to the airport. TRAVELING TO THE AIRPORT Let’s start with when you’re leaving your house. Now, if... [Read More]
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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Georgia
by ssorensonSummer holidays are fast approaching, and it’s important to be reminded about the regulations in regard to securing, transporting, and flying with a firearm. Let’s begin with your arrival at the airport. Arriving at the Airport If you have a Weapon Carry License, or so long as you are eligible to possess a weapon (even... [Read More]
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Family Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong… | Missouri
by ssorensonPlanning a vacation for your summer holidays? Before you start researching plane tickets, take some time to review these very important regulations when flying with a firearm. Missouri law prohibits carrying a firearm in any place where it is prohibited by Federal Law, as well as prohibits carrying a firearm in any area of an... [Read More]
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