
[Urgent] Changes to Oklahoma Gun Law

Effective November 1st 2019, a number of key bills were passed in the past Oklahoma legislative session. Save hours in court with this quick read...

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Legislative Update: Important Changes to Oklahoma Laws

Many bills were passed in this past Oklahoma legislative session. This quick read can save you from hours in court and years in confinement...

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The World’s Worst Traffic Stop…

Are you thinking about traveling out-of-state with your gun? Think again. This mother's innocent road trip goes horribly wrong and reminds you to research and know the law and the jurisdictions of the state you will be traveling through.

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Guns and Boats in Pennsylvania

Independent Program Attorney Justin McShane on laws affecting guns and boats in Pennsylvania: I don’t know about you, but I am so thankful its summertime. And with summer, comes boats and boating. A lot of the questions we get here at U.S. Law Shield of Pennsylvania surround acts and circumstances having to do with a... [Read More]

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Guns in Bars and Restaurants: What’s Legal, What’s Not?

In this excerpt from a U.S. LawShield News live report, watch Emily Taylor, Independent Program Attorney with Walker & Byington, discuss the basic rules for carrying firearms into restaurants and bars. Click the video below to find out the major differences between blue signs and red signs in Texas establishments, and how getting those colors crossed up could lead... [Read More]

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Giving Guns as Gifts: Doing It Right

  If you plan to make a gift of a firearm to a family member, close friend, or relative this season, there are right ways to do that — and some very wrong ways to transfer firearms to loved ones, say Texas & U.S. Law Shield Independent Program Attorneys. Ownership of a firearm has serious... [Read More]

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