
For That Special Texas Lady in Your Life

No Mother’s Day gift should be complete without a Texas Law Shield membership. She doesn’t have to own a gun to enjoy the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing that if she ever has to protect herself or her family, we have her back. Whether it is with a knife, pepper spray, baseball bat, or other... [Read More]

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Texas Members' Voice Video: Should You Protect Thy Neighbor?

Every Member has to make the decision to intervene in a fight — or not — based on a host of tactical and safety issues. Member Ambassador Sherry Hale interviews Texas Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Michele Byington to learn how Good Samaritans can stay out of legal trouble if faced with these dangerous situations.... [Read More]

The post Texas Members' Voice Video: Should You Protect Thy Neighbor? appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.