
National Legal Update: Hearing Protection Act Rolling Into Bigger Bill

The Hearing Protection Act has been attached to the SHARE Act, a sportsman’s omnibus bill with a lot of pro-gun features. Among those features, the SHARE Act (Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act) would do the following: Moves silencers/suppressors from Title II to Title I status. Enhances the Firearms Owners Protection Act (FOPA) language to... [Read More]

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'In a Manner Calculated to Alarm'

Watch Sam Malone and Texas Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Michele Byington discuss the protest at the Sam Houston statue in Houston this weekend and learn how the phrase “in a manner calculated to alarm” could be very important if you choose to open carry a rifle or handgun at such demonstrations.      

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U.S. Law Shield News Report: Instagram Outrage

In this excerpt from a U.S. Law Shield News live report,  watch Independent Program Attorney Michele Byington and host Sam Malone discuss the sad case of a 7th grader who was suspended for “liking” a picture on an Airsoft gun on Instagram. If you would like to see these reports live on Facebook, click here to join... [Read More]

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U.S. Law Shield News Update: Constitutional Carry

Texas & U.S. Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Michele Byington discusses the state of Constitutional Carry with host Sam Malone.  

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After a Shoot-Out, Smart Members Will Take These 5 Steps

An incident between two armed individuals in Houston earlier this month offers a chance for Texas & U.S. Law Shield Members to learn what do at the scene of a self-defense incident, says Independent Program Attorney Michele Byington. Byington, an attorney at the Houston firm of Walker & Byington, pointed Members toward a story reported by KHOU-TV earlier... [Read More]

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U.S. Law Shield News Update: Gun-Deregulation Ideas Offered by BATFE

In an 11-page white paper labeled “not for public distribution,” but which has been obtained by Texas & U.S. Law Shield, Ronald B. Turk, associate deputy director and chief operating officer of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, outlines several steps the agency could take to remove many restrictions on gun regulations in... [Read More]

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Texas Members' Voice Video: Should You Protect Thy Neighbor?

Every Member has to make the decision to intervene in a fight — or not — based on a host of tactical and safety issues. Member Ambassador Sherry Hale interviews Texas Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Michele Byington to learn how Good Samaritans can stay out of legal trouble if faced with these dangerous situations.... [Read More]

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Gun store employees trade gunfire with fleeing men. Was it legal?

  Perhaps you heard what recently happened to our friends at Full Armor Firearms in Houston. After 13 burglaries in five years, including one earlier this month, owner James Hillin asked two of his employees to stay overnight in the store. During the night, two cars pulled into the parking lot. According to the Houston Chronicle,... [Read More]

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Homeowner Shoots Burglar Breaking Into His House; What's the Law?

  KTRK-TV (Channel 13) in Houston recently reported on a retiree who opened fire on an intruder in his home, and the news channel turned to Texas Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Michele Byington for a legal understanding about the use of deadly force in that situation. From KTRK: Mike Colgin was asleep inside his... [Read More]

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Protecting Third Parties in Texas

Recently, a driver in Florida used deadly force to protect a police officer who was being attacked by a suspect. [See related story here.] The suspect had pulled the deputy out of the police car and had thrown him to the ground, repeatedly attacking him. The driver got out of his car and ran to... [Read More]

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What Should I Do If I Have To Use My Firearm?

If you ever have to use your firearm in self-defense, there are some commonsense steps that will help you negotiate the aftermath. Watch two Independent Program Attorneys in the video below explain what to do after you know you are safe.

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Campus Carry on TV: Attorney Outlines the Effects of the New Law

Deborah Duncan, host of the Great Day Houston television show, talks with Texas Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Michele Byington and Rania Mankarious, executive director of Houston Crime Stoppers, about the new campus-carry gun law on college campuses.  

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