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Can You Break the Law in North Carolina to Save a Life?

Imagine you're in a situation where you need to use your firearm, but then you realize you're in a gun-free zone. What can you do?

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Can You Break the Law in Oklahoma to Save a Life?

Imagine you're in a situation where you need to use your firearm, but then you realize you're in a gun-free zone. What can you do?

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Can You Break the Law in Pennsylvania to Save a Life?

Imagine you're in a situation where you need to use your firearm, but then you realize you're in a gun-free zone. What can you do?

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Can You Break the Law in South Carolina to Save a Life?

Imagine you're in a situation where you need to use your firearm, but then you realize you're in a gun-free zone. What can you do?

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What Could Happen When We Repeal Stand Your Ground

It seems like every few months there is another story in the news about a politician or organization calling for the repeal of “Stand Your Ground” laws. A recent real-life situation demonstrates how precarious your right to self-defense can be without these essential protections. Imagine a world where the decision to save your own life... [Read More]

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Oklahoma Legislative Update 2017—What Are the Latest Laws Affecting Gun Rights?

Oklahoma Legislative Update In the video below, Robert Robles, independent program attorney for U.S. LawShield in Oklahoma, gives his legislative update and reviews new gun laws that take effect November 1 .     Transcript: Hello. This is Robert Robles, attorney for U.S. LawShield in Oklahoma. I’m going to review the highlights of the 2017... [Read More]

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Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law to Face Legal Test

The Stand Your Ground self-defense law in Florida has seen its share of legislative battles; now, it’s facing a legal test. In June, Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill that declared the state, and not the defense, has the burden of proof in pre-trial hearings to decide if the stand your ground defense is appropriate... [Read More]

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Iowa: New Laws Score Wins for Gun Rights and Self-Defense

July 1, 2017, saw numerous changes to Iowa gun laws when House File 517, AKA the “Omnibus Gun Law,” became state law—and most are to the benefit of Iowa’s gun owners. As WQAD News 8 reported, one of the most important changes concerned self-defense. Iowa’s new Stand Your Ground law “allows lawful citizens to use reasonable force... [Read More]

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Attorney-Answered Emergency Hotline: Your Lifeline for Self-Defense

We at U.S. Law Shield firmly believe in education and training. This applies not only to the handling of firearms and how to lawfully defend yourself but also how to use your 24/7 Attorney Answered Hotline. This hotline is your lifeline to an attorney in a situation where everything you say or do will be... [Read More]

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Oklahoma “Point, Don't Shoot” Bill Headed for Governor's Desk

[Updated on Tuesday, May 9: SB 40 passed the state Senate on May 8 by a vote of 35-8  and is now awaiting action from the governor. You can call the governor’s office at (405) 521-2342 to let her know where you stand.] The so-called “Point, Don’t Shoot” bill has landed on Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin’s desk. Senate Bill 40... [Read More]

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Defending Your Home—and Yourself—in Oklahoma

“Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” are self-defense laws that protect you in your home, car, and out in public. To learn how these laws work, click to watch Independent Program Attorney Robert Robles explain the details. Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws in Oklahoma

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Florida: Understanding Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws

  “Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” are self-defense laws that protect you in your home, car, and out in public. To learn how these laws work, click to watch Independent Program Attorney James Phillips explain the details. Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws in Florida  

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