Oklahoma Legislative Update 2017—What Are the Latest Laws Affecting Gun Rights?
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffOklahoma Legislative Update In the video below, Robert Robles, independent program attorney for U.S. LawShield in Oklahoma, gives his legislative update and reviews new gun laws that take effect November 1 . Transcript: Hello. This is Robert Robles, attorney for U.S. LawShield in Oklahoma. I’m going to review the highlights of the 2017... [Read More]
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Florida Ag Commissioner Fast-Tracks Military Carry Permits
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffA gunman armed with a semi-automatic civilian rifle triggered a grim death toll two years ago when he burst into a Navy complex in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing four Marines and a sailor. But witnesses say the July 16 attack could have been worse had it not been for Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White, the top officer... [Read More]
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