Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Ohio
by Analyse WellsHi, it’s Wilkes Ellsworth, your Independent Program Attorney for Ohio, here again to discuss another topic having to do with firearms—specifically, warning shots and whether or not they are legal. In any discussion about warning shots, we should first understand the basic concepts of Ohio law as they relate to the use of deadly force... [Read More]
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“He’s Got a Gun!” | Pennsylvania
by Analyse WellsI want to talk to you a little bit about people’s response(s) to you deciding to either open carry or concealed carry in a public place. One scenario that we run into all the time is the grocery store, right? You are at the grocery store. You are minding your own business, and someone sees... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Pennsylvania
by Analyse WellsI am asked frequently if warning shots are a good idea. In Pennsylvania, the answer is no. The term “warning shots” is not found anywhere in the Pennsylvania statutes. You won’t find a statute saying that warning shots are prohibited, and you won’t find a statute defining what a warning shot is, but we are... [Read More]
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Fire a Warning Shot and Go to Prison? | Virginia
by Analyse WellsHi, Ed Riley, U.S. LawShield Independent Program Attorney from Virginia. Warning shots: are they ever a good idea? What is a Warning Shot? A warning shot is an intentional gunshot often made with the firearm pointed in the air or at the ground with the intent not to harm, but to subdue or scare off... [Read More]
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Breaking News: Constitutional Carry Bill Passed in the Last 24 Hours
by ssorensonIn the last 24 hours, the State of Oklahoma passed House Bill 2597, also known as the “Constitutional Carry” Bill. Introduced by Majority Leader Jon Echols, (R-Oklahoma City), the bill allows anyone who is not a felon, adjudicated as mentally defective, or who has had a conviction for a crime involving domestic violence, to carry a gun without... [Read More]
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Anti-Gunners Have Their Sights on Your Rights
by ssorensonThe following is a video transcript. On November 6th, 2018, voters in all 50 states will go to the polls for the mid-term elections. Every single seat in the House of Representatives and 35 seats in the U.S. Senate are up for grabs. This is a very important election for gun rights. Many people believe... [Read More]
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Intuit Stops Processing Payments for Gun Companies Without Notice
by sseverinoIntuit Stops Processing Payments for Firearms Companies Without Notice A number of firearm and firearm-related businesses were cut off from their merchant services and credit card processor last week when Intuit stopped their service without warning or notice. This caused several merchants to rush to find another way to take credit and debit card... [Read More]
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Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals Deals Blow to Stand Your Ground Laws
by sseverinoA literal reading of Oklahoma’s Stand Your Ground law reveals that a person has no duty to retreat and that they may meet force with force, including deadly force, when confronted by a threat of death or grievous bodily injury, and that they can protect themselves with deadly force if they believe that their own lives are in jeopardy. It is part of the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971 and amplified in 21 O.S. 1289.25 of state statutes. However, in a recent decision, the Court of Criminal Appeals says that a literal reading of the law is wrong and that there is no absolute immunity in Oklahoma.
Financial Giant Launches New Offense on Your Gun Rights
by sseverinoCitigroup announced a new policy to business partners on March 22. This new policy prohibits the sale of firearms to customers who have not passed a background check, or customers who are under the age of 21. The bank is also barring the sale of bump stocks and standard-capacity magazines. The new policy applies to... [Read More]
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Florida No More Automatic Civil Immunity
by Jesse PerezThe Florida Supreme Court has issued a decision in a case involving a claim of civil immunity from a lawsuit for injuries sustained in what was ruled justifiable self-defense by a criminal court. The Supreme Court has drawn a line in the sand when it comes to civil immunity. Essentially the Court said immunity... [Read More]
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Pending U.S. Federal Legislative Update
by PJ HermosaIndependent Program Attorney Emily Taylor discusses upcoming legislation that could effect our gun rights, possibly in a positive way.
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by Jesse PerezRecently, a small start-up company, SlideFire, decided to test the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act that made it illegal to manufacture an automatic weapon after May 19, 1986 (with an exception for samples manufactured for dealers, military, and police agencies). The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is charged with the responsibility of... [Read More]
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