Oklahoma: Firearms in School Zones
by PJ HermosaIndependent Program Attorney Robert Robles addresses the pitfalls and problems of carrying firearms onto school property in the video below.
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New Gun Laws Take Effect in Oklahoma
by Jesse PerezNovember has finally arrived, and along with it comes crisp fall air, ever shorter daylight hours, and new gun laws. As we reported last spring, the Governor signed several pro-gun bills that went into effect on November 1st. We turned to U.S. Law Shield of Oklahoma Independent Program Attorney Robert Robles to explain the new... [Read More]
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Firearms at Polling Places – The Law in Oklahoma
by Jesse PerezWith the upcoming election, we at U.S. Law Shield thought it important to remind our members as to the laws in their state regarding firearms at polling places. We turned to U.S. Law Shield of Oklahoma Independent Program Attorney Robert Robles for his input. Here is what Robles says: “I reviewed the Oklahoma Self Defense... [Read More]
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Oklahoma: Can a Temporary Protective Order Infringe Your Second Amendment Rights?
by PJ HermosaROBERT ROBLES: And I’d like to talk to you today about restraining orders that might be issued against you and VPOs, which are called victim’s protection orders. If you will give me a second, the difference between the two is a temporary restraining order is issued in the context of a divorce proceeding or... [Read More]
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Traffic Stop While Carrying In Oklahoma
by PJ HermosaU.S Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Robert Robles: Many people have asked me what to do when they see flashing lights of a police officer in the rearview mirror and they understand uh-oh, I’m going to have to pull over and stop and talk to this police officer. When you have an encounter in a... [Read More]
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Defending Yourself Against Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
by PJ HermosaROBERT ROBLES: You have a right to protect yourself in the state of Oklahoma, and you can be out jogging, walking your dog. A dog approaches fast and in an aggressive manner, and then what you should do? If you’re armed, you can use deadly force against that dog if you perceive that he... [Read More]
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Good News for Oklahoma Knife Enthusiasts
by Jesse PerezOn April 27, 2016, Governor Mary Fallin signed into law Senate Bill 1159, the Knife Law Reform Bill. Under this new measure, a dagger, bowie knife, dirk knife and sword cane are removed from the items prohibited from carry in Oklahoma. On the day of the signing, U.S. Law Shield Oklahoma Independent Program Attorney Robert... [Read More]
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Hunting On Public Lands With Suppressors to Become Legal in Oklahoma
by Jesse PerezOn April 25, 2016, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed House Bill 2637 into law regarding the use of suppressors while hunting on public land. Current Oklahoma law states that it is only legal for Oklahomans to hunt with a suppressor as long as they are on private property with permission from the landowner. In recent... [Read More]
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Oklahoma Governor Signs Pro-Gun Bill
by Jesse PerezThe first of several pro-gun bills passed by the Legislature this session was signed by the Governor on April 7, 2016. The new legislation, SB1057, clarified the statute used by cities to ban the carrying of weapons on fairgrounds property during state fairs. Robert Robles, Oklahoma U.S. Law Shield Independent Program Attorney, said, “In addition to... [Read More]
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