
Defending Yourself Against Dog Attacks in Oklahoma

  ROBERT ROBLES: You have a right to protect yourself in the state of Oklahoma, and you can be out jogging, walking your dog. A dog approaches fast and in an aggressive manner, and then what you should do? If you’re armed, you can use deadly force against that dog if you perceive that he... [Read More]

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Defending Against Aggressive Dogs in Colorado

Presenter: U.S. Law Shield of Colorado Independent Program Attorney Doug Richards So, for all of us dog lovers out there, we can easily envision ourselves in a situation where we’re on a hike or on a walk with our dog, and especially in Colorado, there’s a lot of coyotes. And if you get approached by... [Read More]

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Video & Transcript: Defending Against Aggressive Dogs in Pennsylvania

In the accompanying video, U.S. Law Shield of Pennsylvania Independent Program Attorney Justin McShane discusses the law when it comes to aggressive dogs and firearms. Click the video window directly below to see and hear his presentation, or skip below the video to read a transcript:   One of the more-frequent questions that we get... [Read More]

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Feds Deny Georgia's 'Right of Retreat' Law at Atlanta Airport

  Presenter: Matt Kilgo, Firearms Program Attorney for U.S. Law Shield of Georgia Hi, this is Matt Kilgo, firearms program attorney for U.S. Law Shield here in Georgia. The issue today is your protected right of retreat if you’re found in a government building with a firearm. Now, for those of you that know and... [Read More]

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Defending Against Aggressive Dogs in Florida

  Presenter: U.S. Law Shield of Florida Independent Program Attorney David S. Katz While out jogging or walking your dog, another dog approaches in an aggressive manner, teeth bared, snarling. Does Florida law give you the right to stand your ground and use deadly force to protect yourself and your dog? Most people are surprised... [Read More]

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