Defending Yourself Against Dog Attacks in Oklahoma


ROBERT ROBLES: You have a right to protect yourself in the state of Oklahoma, and you can be out jogging, walking your dog. A dog approaches fast and in an aggressive manner, and then what you should do? If you’re armed, you can use deadly force against that dog if you perceive that he is going to attack you or your dog, and you can use deadly force against the dog. And you can stand your ground, but it’s not the same thing as stand your ground law. You don’t have to flee. You don’t have to retreat, and you do not have to run from a dog.

And you can use deadly force to defend yourself. You can use intermediate force, such as pepper spray, a taser, a stick; and many times intermediate force is all you need, such as a cane or a staff, to repel a dog, depending on how forceful the attack is.

At what point do you have to shoot? That is a personal decision. When you are personally threatened, when the dog is coming after you, the decision will be very simple. Now, then, you do not have to let the dog bite you first. You do — use your judgment and protect yourself. If the dog goes after your dog, you’re allowed in the State of Oklahoma to protect yourself or your personal property or your real property.

Say if the dog is digging in your yard — and this is a big difference. If the dog is on public property or a neighbor’s property, the rules are different than if the dog is on your property. When the dog is on your property and is tearing up your property, such as tearing out your garden, tearing up your fences, destroying your property, you’re allowed to use reasonable force to protect yourself and your property from a marauding dog.

If — and immunity laws for the most part are not mentioned. And so, it’s a gray area, and I do not personally believe you would be immune, such as under the castle doctrine or stand-your-ground laws. And you may also use raw force against marauding skunks, foxes, various other types of marauding animals; but you may have to check with your wildlife laws that may require a hunting license if the animal is out of season. Check under Title 29, which are the wildlife statutes.

Thank you for this opportunity to talk to you.


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