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The Restaurant Has a Bar. Can I Carry? Missouri

Spring Break is here, and everyone is thawing out after a long winter. Before you take part in the festivities watch Independent Program Attorney John Schleiffarth instruct you on the law before you walk into a restaurant or bar with your firearm. You can’t carry a gun into a bar in the state of Missouri.... [Read More]

The post The Restaurant Has a Bar. Can I Carry? Missouri appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.

Know Your Ammo – Missouri

There are so many choices of ammunition on the market today, but not every type is perceived the same in the eyes of the law. Watch Independent Program Attorney John Schleiffarth explain how the type of ammo you use could affect you.   John Schleiffarth: Hi I’m John Schleiffarth, Independent Program Attorney for U.S. LawShield in Missouri.... [Read More]

The post Know Your Ammo – Missouri appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.