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Is the Use of Pepper Spray Legal in Texas?

In the accompanying video, Texas Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Emily Taylor discusses when it is legal to pepper-spray someone; advises if  there is any criminal or civil liability for using pepper spray; considers whether some types of pepper spray are not legal; briefs you on specific laws regarding where pepper spray can or cannot be carried; advises you if a special license or... [Read More]

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No More Gun Shows in Oklahoma?

Gun shows in Oklahoma as we know them could become a thing of the past if SB1347 passes the legislature and gets signed into law. Apparently, the OKC Chamber is dancing to the political tune piped by Bloomberg and De Blasio et al, and trying to get gun shows kiboshed in Oklahoma. The Greater Oklahoma... [Read More]

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President’s Message May 2016

Dear Members & Friends: It’s been an interesting start of the year for Texas & U.S. Law Shield. On a macro level, we’ve seen one of the more remarkable primary seasons in years, the Brussels terrorist attacks, and a continuing slew of anti-gun measures proposed and debated in state legislatures across the nation. On a... [Read More]

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Gun News: Hillary, Aguila, Stern, Saints, Church Carry, 3 Gun

Here are some headlines from around the country regarding gun use, gun rights, gun products, and the gun-owning community Law Shield members belong to. This time: Hillary’s Three Pinocchios; Aguila Ammunition is close to home; Howard Stern defends the right to keep and bear arms (a bunch of them); Saints coach says he hates guns; and a Mississippi... [Read More]

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Is Pepper Spray Legal in Missouri?

Pepper spray, although made from an item you can get in the produce section of your local grocer, is considered a weapon by most states, and is restricted to some extent in nearly all of them. Pepper spray causes temporary blindness, pain, breathing problems and panic.  However, when it’s used excessively, it can kill. Don’t... [Read More]

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Missouri Legislature Considering Pro-Gun Legislation

The last week of April saw significant activity in both the Missouri House and Senate regarding pro-gun and self-defense legislation this session. “Our state legislature has been quite pro-active in recognizing our basic right of self-defense and safeguarding our Second Amendment rights,” says Law Shield Missouri Independent Program Attorney Deborah Alessi. On April 27, 2016,... [Read More]

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Chelsea Clinton: Scalia's Absence an Opportunity for More Gun Rulings

Chelsea Clinton said at a recent event in Maryland that because Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away this year, gun-control forces now have an opportunity for their views to become permanent fixtures in the law. Chelsea Clinton said, “It matters to me that my mom also recognizes the role the Supreme Court has when... [Read More]

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10 Essential Tips for CCW Holders

Beretta has produced a free e-book called Ten Essential Tips for CCW Holders, which we think has some useful tips for our members to consider. We’ve excerpted three of the tips in the text below and have provided a link to the original so you can examine the rest of the downloadable document for yourself if you’re... [Read More]

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Planting Seeds of Guns Safety–and History!

Students at Craver Middle School in Colorado City spent three days in March learning everything about safely handling guns—where they’ve come from, why we have them, and how to shoot them, as well as a thing or two about the American Revolutionary War. It’s the third consecutive year that Project Appleseed has reached out to... [Read More]

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Voters Oppose Suits Against Gun Manufacturers

7 of 10 American voters do not support allowing crime victims to sue firearm manufacturers and retailers when firearms they made or sold lawfully after background checks are used illegally in crime, a recent poll of 1,000 registered voters shows. These findings were among the results of a national scientific poll of 1,000 registered voters... [Read More]

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Rifle to Pistol Transitions – Shooting Tips from SIG Sauer Academy

There are a lot of reasons why you might put down a perfectly good long gun and go to a handgun — running out of ammunition, experiencing a malfunction, or simply being in too-tight a space. SIG Sauer Academy Director Adam Painchaud demonstrates his method of transitioning from a rifle to a pistol and back... [Read More]

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New Fast And Furious Documents Reveal DOJ’s Efforts to Obstruct Congressional Investigation

  Last week, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) sent a memo to Republican Committee members detailing new documents related to Operation Fast and Furious. These documents reveal efforts by senior officials at the Department of Justice to withhold key materials related to the botched gunwalking operation. Chairman Jason Chaffetz released... [Read More]

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