Dear Members & Friends:
It’s been an interesting start of the year for Texas & U.S. Law Shield. On a macro level, we’ve seen one of the more remarkable primary seasons in years, the Brussels terrorist attacks, and a continuing slew of anti-gun measures proposed and debated in state legislatures across the nation.
On a more local level, we’ve seen members getting in serious trouble with the legal system, just because they did not know the gun laws of their states, from carrying their guns in the wrong place to using their guns in situations where they are not legally permitted to do so under state law. We’ve also seen a number of members acting completely lawfully, yet subjected to the legal process simply because one person in the system was misinformed about the law.
So what’s the takeaway from all of this? As gun owners, we are required to exercise vigilance in almost every aspect of life. Whether it’s staying informed and diligent in the political process, or seeking, providing or promoting education and training on firearms and firearms laws, we cannot preserve and advance our gun rights by just closing our eyes and hoping for the best.
At Texas and U.S. Law Shield, we remain committed to educating and protecting gun owners. Join us at a Gun Law Seminar, watch for our newsletters, or check us out on Facebook for constant updates on gun laws, proposed legislation and interesting firearms topics that impact all of our rights as gun owners.
Kirk W. Evans
U.S. Law Shield
The post President’s Message May 2016 appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.