Guns and School Zones: What is the Law in Virginia?
by sseverinoFirearms are restricted in public, parochial, and private schools, according to federal and Virginia law. Virginia Code Section 18.2-308.1 prohibits anyone from knowingly possessing any firearm, while such person is upon any public, private, or religious elementary, middle, or high school, including buildings and grounds, that portion of any property open to the public, then... [Read More]
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3 Critical Stand Your Ground Rules in Virginia
by sseverinoStand your ground is a common term that means a person has no legal duty to retreat before using self-defense, if legally justified. Virginia is a stand your ground state which means that if you did not start the fight or provoke the incident in any way, then you can stand your ground and defend... [Read More]
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Day and Night: Murder or Self-Defense in Virginia?
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffDoes the law of self-defense change depending upon whether it’s daytime or nighttime? Your right to self-defense is not affected in any way by the time of day the attack occurs. Remember, Virginia is a “stand your ground” state. What that means is as long as you didn’t start the fight, you have a right... [Read More]
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Children and Guns: What is the Law of Firearm Storage in Virginia?
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffProtecting our children is the fundamental reason many of us own and carry our firearms. Securing those firearms in our homes is just as important as understanding how to use them in the outside world. Let’s take a look at the laws in your state regarding securing firearms from children. What is the law for... [Read More]
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Can I Carry at Work in Virginia?
by sseverinoCan I take my firearm to work? It depends on who you work for. If you work for a private employer, they have the authority to restrict firearms on their property. If you are a Virginia executive branch employee, then by executive order from the governor, you cannot bring a firearm into the workplace. If... [Read More]
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Staying at an Airbnb in Virginia. Can They Prohibit my Firearm?
by sseverinoSummer is in full swing and many members are taking vacations. While looking for a place to stay, many are turning to Airbnb as an alternative to hotels. But a question has risen—can an AirBnB owner prohibit my gun? Watch Independent Program Attorney Ed Riley explain the law in Virginia.
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Boating, Drinking, and Guns: What is the Law in Virginia
by sseverinoSummer is here and many people are spending their time out on the water. Before heading out for your fun in the sun, watch Independent Program Attorney Ed Riley explain the law in Virginia for drinking and boating, and what could happen if you add a gun to the equation.
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3 Ways a Police Officer Can Stop You in Virginia While Carrying
by sseverinoEveryday innocent legal gun owners are questioned by police in public. Understand the three types of contact in Viriginia you will have with police, what your rights are during the contacts, and if you have to tell the officers you are carrying a firearm. Here at U.S. LawShield, whether it is a question to our... [Read More]
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Top 5 Things To Know Before Carrying Your Firearm on a Beach – Virginia
by sseverinoYou might think the only thing you need to figure out for your beach vacation is how to get your .44 magnum in your swimming trunks, but there are other factors you need to consider before you head out for fun in the sun. We want to make sure you know the law before you... [Read More]
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I Was Just Pulled Over; How Do I Tell Police I Have a Gun? – Virginia
by sseverinoThe first thing you figure out as a Police Officer is there are no “normal” traffic stops. If you are a legal gun owner a traffic stop may not be “normal” either. The most common way legal gun owners come into contact with Law Enforcement is a traffic stop and that is a topic we... [Read More]
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How to Trick Out Your Gun and Not Land in Jail – Virginia
by sseverinoIn our last newsletter, you heard from Independent Program Attorney Edwin Walker on what was legal and not legal to add to your gun under federal. This newsletter Independent Program Attorney Ed Riley is here to tell you what attachments are legal and not legal to add to your firearm under state law.
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The Animals Aren’t the Only Thing to Fear, Know the Law to Survive an Animal Attack – Virginia
by sseverinoIn our last newsletter, we shared three real-life stories of people fighting off a wild bear attack. These scenarios beg the question: How can a person legally defend themselves against an attacking animal? We asked your Independent Program Attorney to answer this question for you, so you will know what to do if you are... [Read More]
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