
How to Trick Out Your Gun and Not Land in Jail – Virginia

In our last newsletter, you heard from Independent Program Attorney Edwin Walker on what was legal and not legal to add to your gun under federal. This newsletter Independent Program Attorney Ed Riley is here to tell you what attachments are legal and not legal to add to your firearm under state law. 

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I Defended My Loved One—My Pet Part 2 – Virginia

Paul Ready: Welcome back to Part II of our feature on defending your pets. In Part I, our member Clint was forced to defend his dog against an attack by another bigger dog. Many of you have asked what the law says about how and when you can defend your four-legged friends. The answer will... [Read More]

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The Restaurant Has a Bar. Can I Carry? Virginia

Spring Break is here, and everyone is thawing out after a long winter. Watch Independent Program Attorney Ed Riley instruct you on the law before walking into a restaurant or bar with your firearm. What is the Law in Virginia for Bars and Guns? Generally, alcohol and Firearms do not mix. In Virginia, there are... [Read More]

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Know Your Ammo – Virginia

There are so many varieties of ammunition on the market today, but not every type is perceived the same in the eyes of the law. Watch Independent Program Attorney Ed Riley explain how the type of ammo you use could affect you.   Ed Riley: Hi, Ed Riley, U.S. LawShield Independent Program Attorney for Virginia. In this... [Read More]

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Virginia Legislative Update—What Are the Latest Gun Laws?

Virginia Legislative Update transcript Hi, Ed Riley here again, U.S. LawShield® Independent Program Attorney for Virginia. Today, we’re going to talk about some of the updates in the law with respect to firearms, that went into effect in Virginia on July 1 of 2017. First one of those is § 18.2-308.2, which speaks specifically to... [Read More]

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Back to School: Firearms Laws You Need to Know in Virginia

Back to School As our kids get ready to go back to school, our Independent Program Attorney, Ed Riley explains the laws in Virginia regarding guns and schools.   Hi, Ed Riley, U.S. LawShield Independent Program Attorney for Virginia, and today we’re going to cover issues concerning Campus Carry on universities and lower schools, and... [Read More]

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Virginia: Can I Use Force Against Someone Burglarizing My Car?

  When can I use force against someone burglarizing my car in Virginia? Law Shield Member Ambassador Sherry Hale: Welcome members and fellow gun owners. In the last Members Voice video, our member Tyler witnessed a criminal breaking into his car. Tyler drew his gun and the bad guys ran away. The legal questions started pouring... [Read More]

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As Temperatures Go Up in Virginia, So Does Road Rage

A recent national television report asserted that road-rage incidents are becoming more common and more deadly, with the latest incident taking place in Pennsylvania, in which a man is alleged to have shot and killed a teenage girl during a traffic merge. Click to watch level-headed advice from your Independent Program Attorney about what to... [Read More]

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Virginia: Can You Be Sued in Civil Court for Self Defense?

The short answer is, “Yes,” according to Independent Program Attorney Ed Riley. However, The Old Dominion supplies a lot of legal protection for people against such suits. Click the video below to get the details.

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Guns At Work: What Are Your Rights in Virginia?

Can your employer restrict your ability to carry firearms at the workplace? Click to watch Independent Program Attorney Ed Riley explain the rules for workplace self-defense in the Commonwealth.  

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Dinner Turns Deadly, Part 2: Virginia

In Part 1, Member Ambassador Sherry Hale explained how a Member went out to eat at a popular diner and was attacked in the parking lot. In Part 2 below, Ed Riley, Independent Program Attorney for U.S. Law Shield of Virginia, explains when you can legally defend yourself from an attacker. Also, click to find... [Read More]

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Guns in Virginia Bars and Restaurants: What’s Legal, What’s Not?

In the video below, watch Ed Riley, Independent Program Attorney for U.S. Law Shield of Virginia, discuss important legal considerations if you plan to carry firearms into establishments that serve alcohol.

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