
Self-Defense: Florida Driver Sues Uber Over Gun Policy

A Miami-area Uber driver has sued the popular ride-share company claiming its firearms policy violates his right to self-defense under Florida law. Jose Mejia, 28, is a concealed-carry license holder who became an Uber driver in March 2016. But in 2015, the company banned guns in cars after an Uber driver shot and wounded a... [Read More]

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Uber Poll: 75% Say Gun Ban Means They Won't Ride

  We recently asked Texas & U.S. Law Shield Members if Uber’s ban on firearms would affect their decision to use the transportation company. By more than a 4:1 margin, respondents in the online survey said they will not support Uber because of its carry policy. The survey was attached to a story about Florida Uber driver Namique Anderson, who would... [Read More]

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Florida: Uber Driver Defends Himself and Passenger, but May Lose His Job

  When Michael Ferre of Aventura, Florida, hailed Uber for a ride to the Fort Lauderdale airport on December 18, 2016, little did he know that this could have been his last ride ever. Shortly after 5 a.m., he was picked up by Uber driver Namique Anderson for the 15 mile ride to the airport.... [Read More]

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