
Weapons in the Zone: Gun Owners and Schools | Tennessee

The exciting back-to-school time of year is here again, but unfortunately, this year it is affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Many schools around the State...

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School Zones are On the Move: Online and In the Home… | Virginia

School is coming back into session but due to Covid-19 this school year appears primed to be anything but normal. Different school districts are...

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School Zones Are On the Move: Online and In the Home… | Florida

The school year has started in Florida, but this year is unlike any that has come before. In these unprecedented times, school districts have had...

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A Landmark Win for Self-Defense Rights: The Ninth Circuit Sets a Precedent…

Mark your calendar! On Friday, August 14, 2020, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down a three-year old ban on magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, otherwise known as large-capacity magazines (LCM). This is a significant precedent in favor of gun rights and the right to self-defense.

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Are You Making Any Of These 3 Self-Defense Mistakes?

In our more than ten years representing U.S. & Texas LawShield members, we have had plenty of experience dealing with what people have done to make...

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The Classroom is Changing with COVID-19… Do Texas Gun Laws Change Too?

The start of the school year in Texas brings with it a host of new challenges in the wake of a global pandemic and civil unrest. This time has brought...

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Self-Defense Law 101 in Michigan

Michigan’s laws generally favor one’s ability to use force in self-defense under certain circumstances. Surprisingly, the words “force,” “deadly force,” and “non-deadly force”...

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Self-Defense Law 101 in Tennessee

Before examining the right of self-defense in Tennessee, it is important to understand what force and deadly force mean here.  Force is defined as “compulsion by the use of physical power or violence.”

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Self-Defense Law 101 in New Mexico

In New Mexico, the use of force and deadly force may be legally justified under certain circumstances. This article will first address the use of...

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California Self-Defense 101

Jane Doe is awoken in the middle of the night to the sounds in her backyard. She looks out her bedroom window and sees three young men spray painting...

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Kansas Self-Defense 101

The distinction between an act that is a crime and one that is carried out in self-defense requires a determination of who is the aggressor...

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Illinois Self Defense 101

The legal concept of one’s ability to defend themselves is not new concept. It can be dated all the way back to ancient Rome...

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