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Criminal Mischief And Trick-Or-Treating: Protecting Yourself On Halloween In Tennessee

With the evenings getting cooler and the nights getting longer, many are getting into the Halloween spirit as the holiday quickly approaches. However, this year’s celebrations will likely be different than prior years.

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Living in the Big City: The Unique Ways Gun Laws Are Applied In This Major Tennessee City

You never know where you will be when the sudden need to defend yourself or your loved ones presents itself. With the population of all major cities in the State of Tennessee on the rise and businesses opening back up to the public at large, the discussion of the laws regarding your right

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Weapons in the Zone: Gun Owners and Schools | Tennessee

The exciting back-to-school time of year is here again, but unfortunately, this year it is affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Many schools around the State...

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Self-Defense Law 101 in Tennessee

Before examining the right of self-defense in Tennessee, it is important to understand what force and deadly force mean here.  Force is defined as “compulsion by the use of physical power or violence.”

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Imagine Protesters Outside Your Home: What Can a Law-Abiding Gun Owner Do in Tennessee?

What if a protest erupts on your front yard in Tennessee?... Here's what an Independent Program Attorney had to say on the matter...

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Defining Your “Castle” in Tennessee

Tennessee law may treat self-defense cases differently based on location. Learn about Castle Doctrine and how you can better protect you and your family.

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Meet Your Attorney in Tennessee

Marcos Garza is an Independent Program Attorney for U.S. LawShield. Read this and learn more about what the Tennessee lawyer had to say...

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New Laws in Tennessee Promise to Limit Gun-Free Zones

If you hate gun-free zones, you’ll be pleased to know a new batch of state firearm laws recently went into effect in Tennessee, and one result is that more public places than ever will likely be open to concealed carry. “Public facilities across Tennessee that have posted signs prohibiting firearms will now be required to install... [Read More]

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President’s Message: U.S. Law Shield Is Open in Tennessee

I would like to personally thank all of our U.S. Law Shield Members and all of the facilities, instructors, ranges, and stores that have worked with us over the years. Thanks to you and all of your support, U.S. Law Shield is now available to the law-abiding gun owners of Tennessee. Your contributions have helped... [Read More]

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Tennessee Gun Laws Change for the Better

Recent changes to Tennessee gun laws mean more public places will likely be open to concealed carry. According to The Tennessean, “Public facilities across Tennessee that have posted signs prohibiting firearms will now be required to install new security measures or allow handgun permit holders to carry guns into those spaces.” There are exceptions. “Parks that... [Read More]

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Are Tennessee Officials Discouraging Concealed Carry on Public Transportation?

Tennesseans with valid permits can now carry concealed on public buses, thanks to a new law that took effect July 1. Yet it seems some public officials are trying to discourage people from even knowing about the new law. “The four biggest cities in Tennessee are now letting guns on their buses due to a... [Read More]

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President’s Message: U.S. Law Shield Is Open in Tennessee

I would like to personally thank all of our Texas members and all of the facilities, instructors, ranges, and stores that have worked with us over the years. Thanks to you and all of your support in our home state, U.S. Law Shield (which operates outside Texas) is now available to the law-abiding gun owners... [Read More]

The post President’s Message: U.S. Law Shield Is Open in Tennessee appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.