
School Zones are On the Move: Online and In the Home… | Ohio

As schools get prepared to open in Ohio it is safe to say that the beginning of this school year will be like no other.  The COVID-19 pandemic not only greatly affected the last school year but will surely challenge school districts across the Buckeye State as they maneuver and shift to accommodate what are

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When Church and State Collide: Can You Carry In a Texas Dual Purpose Facility?

Don't inadvertently carry illegally. Check out this quick guide to places with dual purpose facilities, like churches that are also schools and vise versa!

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When Church and State Collide: Can You Carry In a Oklahoma Dual Purpose Facility?

Don't inadvertently carry illegally. Check out this quick guide to places with dual purpose facilities, like churches that are also schools and vise versa!

The post When Church and State Collide: Can You Carry In a Oklahoma Dual Purpose Facility? appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.