
Gorsuch Provides Hope for 2nd Amendment Advocates

Neil Gorsuch, recent appointee to the United States Supreme Court, advocated for 2nd Amendment gun rights in joining Justice Thomas’ dissent to the Court’s majority decision to deny review of the Ninth Circuit, Court of Appeals, decision in Peruta v. California. In that written opinion, the Ninth Circuit declared there to be no Second Amendment... [Read More]

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Gorsuch Confirmed for Supreme Court; Will Likely Hear Gun-Rights Cases

  Neil M. Gorsuch was confirmed by the U.S. Senate last week to become a Supreme Court justice, and he is likely to have an immediate impact on cases regarding the Second Amendment. The Senate voted 54 to 45 on Friday to confirm Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. As soon as Gorsuch is sworn in, he will... [Read More]

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Supreme Court Nominee Gorsuch Backs Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms

    Under questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this week, Supreme Court nominee and Denver resident Judge Neil Gorsuch backed the District of Columbia v. Heller decision as the “law of the land” which must be upheld. His comments were in response to intense questioning from Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca). His comment on the decision demonstrates his firm... [Read More]

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