
How “Doing the Right Thing” Got My Husband Arrested…

Mary's husband was just taken into police custody for calling to report his gun lost or possibly stolen. What he didn't know was...

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After the Bang: What To Do When the Police Arrive

Do you know what to do when the police arrive on scene after you fired your weapon in self-defense? Independent Program Attorney, Richard Hayes explains...

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The Fight for 2A Rights Begins in Virginia…

In the month of March U.S. LawShield is donating a portion of proceeds from every annual membership activated to the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

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Are Your Guns Safe From These CRAZY Storage Laws?!

Did you know that 11 states have passed that can only be categorized as "stringent" firearm storage laws? Read more to see if you're state is...

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Fake News, False Terms… Decoding Gun Control Language

It's no secret that anti-gunners have coined their own language to insight fear of guns and gun owners. Let's decode the deceptive terms they use...

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“Yes Officer, That’s My Name, But…”

It's not your crime, but you will be doing the time. If someone steals your identity all of the evidence is going to point to you...

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Jack Wilson, An American Hero…

Jack Wilson, an experienced firearms instructor and responsible gun owner, was standing at attention with his security team, quietly listening to the pastor’s sermon when the worst happened...

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2019: Year in Review

It’s the start of a new year, but before we start preparing for those easy-to-break resolutions, I want to take a moment to reflect back on 2019… These videos are kept in our library to help empower and educate, but I’m putting these crucial resources right at your fingertips, so you can be the most... [Read More]

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5 Steps To Surviving a 911 Call

You've just experienced the scariest moment of your life and as soon as you dial 911 everything you say can and will be used against you. 5 steps to...

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2019: Year in Review | California

It’s the start of a new year, but before we start preparing for those easy-to-break resolutions, I want to take a moment to reflect back on 2019… These videos are kept in our library to help empower and educate, but I’m putting these crucial resources right at your fingertips, so you can be the most... [Read More]

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3 Highly Illegal Mistakes Waiting to Happen: CBD Oil and Guns

The following is a video transcript. What is CBD? A new topic sparking up conversations nationwide is the legality of cannabidiol or CBD oil. While many medical patients swear by its healing effects, gun owners nationwide could find CBD oil to be a huge source of pain when it comes to their Second Amendment rights.... [Read More]

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True Story: Member Forced to Tase Drunken Couple…TWICE?!

The following is a video transcript. This is a reenactment and dramatization of an actual member’s story. This video does not and is not intended to depict or replicate the actual persons, places, or circumstances involved in the incident. Our member, David, is a bail-bondsman and retired police officer. On the Sunday before Labor Day,... [Read More]

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