
The Fight for 2A Rights Begins in Virginia…

In the month of March U.S. LawShield is donating a portion of proceeds from every annual membership activated to the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

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Congratulations Emily Taylor – Outstanding Independent Program Attorney of the Year Award Recipient!

U.S. LawShield would like to congratulate Texas LawShield Independent Program Attorney Emily Taylor for receiving the “Outstanding Independent Program Attorney of the Year Award,” presented to her at the American Council of Second Amendment Lawyers (“ACSAL”) annual meeting by U.S. LawShield Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel Randy Macchi. ACSAL is a 2A-friendly, nonprofit corporation comprised... [Read More]

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Breaking News: Pro-2A Bill Signed Into Law in Texas

In response to landlords and building owners denying individuals the right to protect themselves and their families through leases, notice under 30.05, 30.06, and 30.07, or other contractual provisions; on Thursday, May 16th, 2019, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law HB 302, a bill introduced by Representative Dennis Paul (R-Houston). The new law prohibits... [Read More]

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