
Tips for Purchasing Holsters for the Holidays

Tis the season for holiday festivities and of course, gift giving. If a holster is on your list of items to purchase, you could be in for one hectic shopping experience. And the reason for this is that not all holsters are created equal. On the contrary, they take on many different shapes, styles, and... [Read More]

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Review: Blackhawk Omnivore — One Holster Fits 150+ Guns

Not having the right holster is a problem often encountered by shooting enthusiasts and instructors. As an instructor, I often have students show up for defensive pistol classes wearing belt holsters that work fine as storage devices or for daily carry, but are insufficient and unsafe for serious training.

Video: Safe and Effective Use of the Holster from SIG Sauer Academy

  Texas & U.S. Law Shield brings you video training tips from the SIG Sauer Academy, in association with the National Shooting Sports Foundation. In this episode, SIG Sauer Academy Vice President Adam Painchaud talks about the detailed attention needed to safely and effectively holster and unholster a sidearm. Video courtesy NSSF. Used with permission. Watch more... [Read More]

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