
The Restaurant Has a Bar. Can I Carry? Florida

Spring Break is here, and everyone is thawing out after a long winter. Before you take part in the festivities watch Independent Program Attorney David Katz instruct you on the law before you walk into a restaurant or bar with your firearm. Drinking and Carrying Your Firearms In Florida, there is no legal limit of... [Read More]

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Know Your Ammo – Florida

There are so many varieties of ammo on the market today, but not every type is perceived the same in the eyes of the law. Watch Independent Program Attorney James Phillips explain how the type of ammo you use could affect you.   James Phillips: Florida does place some restrictions on the kind of ammunition used. A... [Read More]

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Legislative Update—Latest Laws Affecting Florida Gun Rights

Legislative update from Florida by Independent Program Attorney James Phillips.     Legislative update: In 2017 there was a extremely important change made to the law regarding self defense that everyone should be aware of. This is in regards to our immunities statute, which is found in Florida Statute 776.032. Prior to July, a defendant... [Read More]

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Back to School: Firearms Laws You Need to Know in Florida

Back to School Do you have kids heading back to school in the Sunshine State? Let U.S. LawShield Independent Program Attorney David Katz explain the laws in Florida regarding guns and schools:     The possession of a firearm on school grounds is generally illegal with few exceptions. Florida Statute 790.06 contains several subsections that... [Read More]

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