Dinner Turns Deadly, Part 2: Colorado
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffIn Part 1, Member Ambassador Sherry Hale explained how a Member went out to eat at a popular diner and was attacked in the parking lot. In Part 2 below, Doug Richards, Independent Program Attorney for U.S. Law Shield of Colorado, explains when you can legally defend yourself from an attacker. Also, click to find... [Read More]
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Guns in Colorado Bars and Restaurants: What’s Legal, What’s Not?
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffIn the video below, watch Doug Richards, Independent Program Attorney for U.S. Law Shield of Colorado, discuss important legal considerations if you plan to carry firearms into establishments that serve alcohol.
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In Colorado, Guns & School Zones Don’t Mix
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffIndependent Program Attorney Doug Richards reminds Members about tricky federal and state laws for carrying or transporting firearms in and around schools. Just because summer is coming doesn’t change your legal responsibilities.
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Defending Your Home—and Yourself—in Colorado
by U.S. & Texas LawShield Staff“Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” are self-defense laws that protect you in your home, car, and out in public. To learn how the laws work, click to watch Independent Program Attorney Doug Richards explain the details. Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws in Colorado
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Choke Hold Self-Defense: Legal Use of Force, or Excessive Force?
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffAccording to KKTV in Colorado Springs, a man who defended himself with a choke hold won’t be charged with a crime. From the station: On Jan. 22, Army veteran Craig Uehling, 30, encountered 25-year-old Scott Smith in a Colorado Springs neighborhood. Uehling says he found Smith in his driveway and was concerned he... [Read More]
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Colorado: Using Force to Recover Stolen Property — Know Your Limitations
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffIf someone steals your property, can you use force or deadly force to recover it? Click to watch Independent Program Attorney Doug Richards explain how Coloradans can legally respond.
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Supreme Court Nominee Gorsuch Backs Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffUnder questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this week, Supreme Court nominee and Denver resident Judge Neil Gorsuch backed the District of Columbia v. Heller decision as the “law of the land” which must be upheld. His comments were in response to intense questioning from Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca). His comment on the decision demonstrates his firm... [Read More]
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Colorado: Can Your Town Outlaw Your Guns?
by PJ HermosaCan municipalities in the Centennial State regulate your 2nd Amendment rights? The answer is “Yes, sort of.” Click the video link to watch U.S. Law Shield of Colorado Independent Program Attorney Doug Richards explain how cities and counties in the state can set up their own rules regulating gun-owning citizens.
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Colorado: If Someone Threatens to Kill You, Can You Shoot?
by PJ HermosaU.S. Law Shield of Colorado Independent Program Attorney Doug Richards says that Members ask him all the time what they can legally do to repel an attack. The answer, he says, is based on specific facts that differ from situation to situation. He also notes that “rarely” will threats alone allow you to respond with... [Read More]
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Colorado: After an Unintended Discharge of Your Weapon — What's Next?
by PJ HermosaU.S. Law Shield of Colorado Independent Program Attorney Doug Richards says that having an accident isn’t a crime, but having an accident with a firearm can have legal jeopardy attached to it.
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Colorado: Firearms in School Zones
by PJ HermosaIn the video below, U.S. Law Shield of Colorado Independent Program Attorney Doug Richards addresses the pitfalls and problems of carrying firearms onto school property.
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Firearms at Polling Places – The Law in Colorado
by Jesse PerezWith the upcoming election, we at U.S. Law Shield thought it important to remind our members as to the laws in their state regarding firearms at polling places. We turned to U.S. Law Shield of Colorado Independent Program Attorney Doug Richards for his input. Here is what Richards has to say: “Colorado has no specific... [Read More]
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