Walther Arms has identified a potential condition in Walther CCP pistols that could potentially cause it to discharge if dropped whether the manual safety is engaged (on) or disengaged (off). Walther voluntarily initiated this recall because of the possibility of a drop-fire occurring.
If you own a CCP, please do not load or fire your Walther CCP pistol and contact the company immediately to arrange to have your pistol upgraded free of charge, using the following steps:
Step 1: Contact Walther at (866) 503-3389 (M-F/8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST), email (ccprecall@waltherarms.com) or online (www.waltherarms.com/ccp-recall) and provide the serial number of your pistol.
Step 2: After contacting Walther, the company will send you shipping instructions so that you can return your unloaded pistol to the company, free of charge via FedEx. The medium FedEx carton will fit factory CCP case.
Step 3: Walther will upgrade and return your pistol to you free of charge. Walther said it will make every effort to complete the upgrade and return your pistol to you as soon as possible.
Upgraded pistols will have a dot milled into the back side of the magazine opening.
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