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UPDATE: The Game Wasn’t as Close as the Score Suggests

U.S. Law Shield was interested to see the margin of a vote to override Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin’s veto of a firearms bill. As they say in football, it wasn’t as close as it looked.

The state House on Wednesday voted 86-3 in favor of House Bill 2461, which is designed to prevent sheriffs and police chiefs from stalling the transfer of federally regulated firearms like silencers and short-barreled rifles if the applicant is not prohibited by law from possessing the items.

The vote marked the first time either legislative chamber has mustered enough votes to override a veto during Fallin’s administration.

The governor wrote, “House Bill 2461 requires the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to provide, within 15 days, certification required by federal regulation of the transfer or manufacture of firearms. The ATF is not required to follow the requirements of this bill. This bill serves no significant interest of the citizens of the State of Oklahoma.”

Rep. Mike Turner (R-Edmond) authored House Bill 2461. He said sheriffs and police chiefs have been designated to handle transfers of these federally regulated firearms accessories, so he believes the state has the authority to direct local law enforcement on how to handle the transfers.

UPDATE – This has been sent to the Secretary of State to be filed and should become law on November 1, 2014.

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