TSRA Opposed Bills – All Defeated

Along with the very good news about legislation allowing Open Carry, Campus Carry, civil remedies for illegal posting of 30.06 signs, and clarification of legal Class 3 device ownership in Texas, there were some bad measures that were stopped in the Legislature.

From our friends at the Texas State Rifle Association comes the list below of bad legislation introduced but which effectively never saw the light of day.

HB 2405 by Rep. Poncho Nevarez: Would have created a uniform “no gun” sign with wording and graphics to target handgun licensees.

SB 256 by Sen. Rodney Ellis: Relating to an offense for the unlawful possession or transfer of a large-capacity magazine. Did not receive a hearing.

SB 257 by Sen. Rodney Ellis: Relating to reporting a lost or stolen firearm, creating an offense with criminal penalties. Did not receive a hearing.

SB 258 by Sen. Rodney Ellis: Relating to creation of offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows. Did not receive a hearing.

SB 259 by Sen. Rodney Ellis: Relating to criminal history background checks for all firearm transfers. Did not receive a hearing.

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