Take Our Poll: Should Gun-Safety Education Be Taught in Schools?

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Members: We’d like to hear from you about the topic of gun education in public schools. Should your children be introduced to gun safety through educational programs held at the elementary, middle school, or high school levels? Or is this kind of instruction something you would rather reserve for yourself?

“Gun education is currently not mandatory in any state as far as we know,” said U.S. & Texas LawShield® President Kirk Evans. “So this is a question that gets decided at the local level by parents who want what’s best for their kids.”

In the past two years Wisconsin, North Carolina, Idaho, and other state Legislatures have tried to pass bills that would have made a certain gun-safety program a mandatory part of the school curriculum. None of the bills were successful.

Certainly, many groups teach firearms safety to minors, including Project ChildSafe, sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, programs put on by Project Appleseed, the Boy Scouts, 4-H programs, and many others. But these programs are largely conducted outside the walls of schools.

So let us know what your thoughts are on the topic of gun education in schools by leaving your comments in below or by participating in the poll:




The post Take Our Poll: Should Gun-Safety Education Be Taught in Schools? appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.