2020 Election: Carry Restrictions At Polling Places | Virginia
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffAs the 2020 election season comes around, recent events can make it unclear what to expect when gun owners prepare to vote. Here is what you need to know when it comes to voting in this year's election.
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2020 Election: Carry Restrictions At Polling Places | Colorado
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffAs the 2020 election season comes around, recent events can make it unclear what to expect when gun owners prepare to vote. Today, we will discuss state options for voting, carry options for outside poll locations, and how to handle demonstrations and large crowds. Demonstrations, Crowds, and Voting By Mail The easiest
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2020 Election: The Texas Voter Guide
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffAre you ready for the November 3, 2020, election? Do you know where you’ll cast your vote? Do you even know if you’ll be going to a polling station? As the mainstream media debates the issue of mail-in voting on a daily basis, it can be difficult to cut through the partisanship and know
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Alert! New Major Changes For Purchasing a Firearm
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffThe Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or “ATF” has officially unveiled a new edict every gun store, and prospective gun buyers should know. The ATF Form 4473 was rebooted for 2020, requiring Federal Firearms Licensed gun dealers, or “FFLs” to use this new version for gun sales and transfers beginning
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Attention Race Fans! Join Us On The Race Track
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffJoin Us On the Race Track: NASCAR Hall of Fame 2020 Friday, October 30th, 2020 Fox Sports 1, See local listings. "One of the best things about being American is the freedom that we have every day. We really wanted integrity to be at the forefront of everything we did. That
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Criminals Target Hunters? Your Guns Are In Their Sights…
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffThis time of year is a favorite among hunters, hikers, and criminals... What should you do if you find your vehicle broken into, windows smashed, and your gun is missing? Better yet, what could you have done to avoid this, if anything?
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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In New Jersey
by Janine CervantesHi, Evan Nappen here, U.S. LawShield Independent Program Attorney for New Jersey, and today I want to talk to you about, ooh, ghost guns. New Jersey has a ban on ghost guns. Now one question is, what is a ghost gun? Well it's not a gun that is possessed by a ghost,
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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In Illinois
by Janine CervantesWhen you hear the term “ghost guns”, it sure sounds scary, but don’t be afraid, it’s not that horrible. The term ghost gun was created to cause fear and push a certain agenda by the mainstream media and anti-gun crowd. A “ghost gun” is nothing more than a firearm made by an
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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In Pennsylvania
by Janine CervantesHi I’m Mike Giaramita, Independent Program Attorney for U.S. LawShield of Pennsylvania. Today we’re going to talk about what some people call “Ghost Guns.” If you’ve never heard the term “Ghost Gun” you have to understand it’s not legally defined under either federal law or Pennsylvania law. It is a term created
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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In Kansas
by Janine CervantesIn today's sociopolitical climate, we all need to do our best to be informed on the laws and issues surrounding Second Amendment rights. Further, due to the fluctuating supply and demand of firearms, many of you may be considering alternatives to their traditional acquisition. From that perspective, let's talk about an issue
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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In Ohio
by Janine CervantesHello, Ohio LawShield members. It's Wilkes Ellsworth, your Independent Program Attorney here today to discuss a highly debated topic and one I get asked about quite a bit. Now, some of you more versed in firearms than others might've already heard of or know about my topic today, but there are many
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What Do They Particularly Hate About “Ghost Guns” In North Carolina
by Janine CervantesHello everyone. This month we want to talk about a topic that gets some interest in the media and that is the topic of ghost guns. Ghost guns are guns made from individually obtained parts, but they do not have serial numbers and can’t be traced. Companies sell parts that you can
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