
Can I Lend My Gun to Someone for Self-Defense? | Oklahoma

Are you up-to-date on laws regarding your firearm? Read this to find out if you can legally lend your firearm to someone else for self defense in Oklahoma.

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What Happens If Your Gun is Lost or Stolen | South Carolina

Do you know what action to take if your firearm is ever lost or stolen? Read this article and find out what South Carolina law says.

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Can I Lend My Gun to Someone for Self-Defense? | South Carolina

Are you up-to-date on laws regarding your firearm? Find out if you can legally lend your firearm to someone else for self defense in South Carolina.

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What Happens if Your Gun is Lost or Stolen | Virginia

Do you know what action to take if your firearm is lost or stolen? Read this article and find out what Virginia law says.

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Can I Lend My Gun to Someone for Self-Defense? | Virginia

Are you up-to-date on laws regarding your firearm? Read this to find out if you can legally lend your firearm to someone else for self defense in Virginia.

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SNEAK PEEK: Top Stories From 2020 So Far…

Can you believe that we’re only four months into 2020? I don’t know about you, but March alone felt like four months… The new decade kicked off with a surge of anti-gun legislation, threatening the constitutional rights in normally 2A-friendly states like Virginia. And if that isn’t bad enough, it was soon overshadowed by an... [Read More]

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Jails are Emptying and Police aren’t Responding… Now What?

Municipalities are limiting police calls for minor crimes until emergency measures for COVID-19 are lifted. Should law-abiding gun owners be prepared...?

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What Happens if You’re Stopped By Law Enforcement During a Stay-At-Home Order… While Carrying…?

Each day the COVID-19 pandemic brings new challenges; and with various curfews and stay-at-home orders in place, it's become vitally important to stay on top of your legal rights.

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Arming the Criminal: Your Gun’s Value on the Street

Tom is a devoted husband and father, concerned about the safety of his family. He has a carry license, and goes to the range to train with his firearms on a regular basis. He is prepared to protect his loved ones should the need arise. But Tom was not prepared for something that happens all... [Read More]

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I Should Help, Right? Aiding an Officer in Distress | Colorado

It appears a local law enforcement officer is in trouble... Should you help? Even the best intentions can mistakenly label a Good Samaritan as the offender.

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Do I Have to Register my Firearm in Colorado?

When you purchase a gun and they take your information, is this creating a gun registry? Can the sale be traced back to you? Find out now...

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I Should Help, Right? Aiding an Officer in Distress | Florida

It appears a local law enforcement officer is in trouble... Should you help? Even the best intentions can mistakenly label a Good Samaritan as the offender.

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