Hold It ‘til After the Hunt
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffNote: This is the first in a five-part series discussing tactics that land hunters and anglers in jail. Scent lures are a tried-and-true method for drawing in trophy bucks in the field. It’s no wonder an industry has sprung up around the collecting, bottling, and marketing of deer scents, many made of actual or synthetic... [Read More]
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Restaurants, Guns, and Alcohol in Pennsylvania: A ‘Minority Approach’
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffYou may have watched the Guns in Pennsylvania Bars and Restaurants video and had additional questions about how loosely the state regulates the carry of firearms into establishments that sell alcohol. To learn more on the topic, check out this excerpt from Pennsylvania Gun Law, Armed And Educated: ————————————————– Can a LTCF holder carry in... [Read More]
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Dinner Turns Deadly, Part 2: Pennsylvania
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffIn Part 1, Member Ambassador Sherry Hale explained how a Member went out to eat at a popular diner and was attacked in the parking lot. In Part 2 below, Independent Program Attorney Justin McShane explains when you can legally defend yourself from an attacker in Pennsylvania. Also, click to find a Seminar where... [Read More]
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Guns in Pennsylvania Bars and Restaurants: What’s Legal, What’s Not?
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffIn the video below, watch Justin McShane, Independent Program Attorney for U.S. Law Shield of Pennsylvania, discuss important legal considerations if you plan to carry firearms into establishments that serve alcohol.
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In Pennsylvania, Guns & School Zones Don’t Mix
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffIndependent Program Attorney Justin McShane reminds Members about tricky federal and state laws for carrying or transporting firearms in and around schools. Just because summer is coming doesn’t change your legal responsibilities.
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Defending Your Home—and Yourself—in Pennsylvania
by U.S. & Texas LawShield Staff“Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” are self-defense laws that protect you in your home, car, and out in public. To learn how the laws work, click to watch Independent Program Attorney Justin McShane explain the details. Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws in Pennsylvania
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Pennsylvania: Using Force to Recover Stolen Property — Know Your Limitations
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffIf someone steals your property, can you use force or deadly force to recover it? Click to watch Independent Program Attorney Justin McShane explain how Pennsylvanians can legally respond.
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Guns and Parks: What Pennsylvanians Must Know to Stay Legal
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffTaking the family to a state or national park this summer? Then you need to know the rules about firearms carry at your destinations, in state or out of state. Click to watch Independent Program Attorney Justin McShane explain various park rules controlling where you can — and definitely cannot — take your gun. And please... [Read More]
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In PA, Picking on PICS
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffTwo Pennsylvania legislators, claiming their state’s instant check system for gun purchases is redundant and expensive, have sponsored bills to get rid of it and save taxpayers about $6 million a year. House Bill 763 and Senate Bill 224 are pending in the judiciary committees of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Rep. Jason Ortitay and state... [Read More]
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In Pennsylvania, Can Your Town Outlaw Your Guns?
by U.S. & Texas LawShield StaffIn the Keystone State, cities and counties are very limited in how they can regulate the ownership of or carry of firearms and ammunition. Click the video link to watch U.S. Law Shield of Pennsylvania Independent Program Attorney Justin McShane explain how “pre-emption” protects the rights of gun-owning citizens.
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Carrying a Knife or other Weapon on PA K-12 School Grounds Still Ill Advised
by PJ HermosaThere is a “new” case that came out that is making its way around the internet. It is the case of Commonwealth v. Goslin. Perhaps you’ve heard about it, maybe you’ve read it. If you haven’t read it yet, you should. You can find the text here. To me, this case creates more questions than it does... [Read More]
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