
Commutations and Pardon Law: Great If You Can Get Them

Nearing the end of his term, President Barack Obama pardoned 78 people and shortened the sentence of 153 others. These efforts roughly doubled the amount of pardons and commutations granted over the past eight years. For many, this information merits a shrug of the shoulders. However, it’s not uncommon for other people to have incidences... [Read More]

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Gun Rights Under Attack in Texas

The next legislative session for Texas lawmakers commences on January 10, 2017, but the period for pre-filing bills for consideration began on November 14, 2016, and over four hundred of bills were filed the first day alone. Democratic state representatives wasted no time in taking aim at law abiding gun owners and their rights by... [Read More]

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Obama Administration Moves to Make Thousands of Elderly Folks Defenseless

  On December 19, the Social Security Administration (SSA) issued the final version of a rule that will classify unknown numbers of law-abiding, vulnerable disability insurance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients as “mental defectives,” and strip their Second Amendment rights in the process. The Social Security rule is the final version of a proposal... [Read More]

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In Florida, a Common-Sense Expansion of Gun Rights

Law Shield would like to praise a common-sense expansion of gun rights in Florida that is contained in SB 290, a bill which the State Senate passed in late March. SB 290 would allow gun owners to take their guns in their cars without a concealed carry permit during a state of emergency like a

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In Florida, a Common-Sense Expansion of Gun Rights

Law Shield would like to praise a common-sense expansion of gun rights in Florida that is contained in SB 290, a bill which the State Senate passed in late March. SB 290 would allow gun owners to take their guns in their cars without a concealed carry permit during a state of emergency like a... [Read More]

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