Shoot In the Boyert Olympics!

The Olympics are coming up, but they’re all the way in Rio. So Boyert Shooting Center is running its own Boyert Olympic Games August 9-28, in which participants get a chance to win prizes, including a free gun.

The games will be broken up into seven range and simulator challenges, and shooters will have the opportunity to enter as many of Boyert challenges as you’d like for only $5 each. Your results from each event will be combined to give you a final score. The more you enter, the better your chances of winning.

Plus, for every event you sign up for, you’ll receive a ticket to be entered into a daily giveaway drawing.

Shooters may not use red dots or lasers, and shooters must use a handgun caliber .380 or larger. For more information, call (713) 977-3000 or email

Participate in the games at either Boyert Shooting Center, 9099 Westheimer Road in Houston or 1200 South Mason Road in Katy.

Click here to see a Boyert video about the competitions.


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