President’s Message: You Now Have Extended Coverage—At No Additional Charge!

Hi, Kirk Evans here, President of Texas and U.S. Law Shield.

The uncomfortable truth is that negligent or accidental discharges can and do happen. Over the years, our experience has shown that even the most well-trained, well-intentioned, and safety-conscious gun owners could fall victim to that momentarily lapse in attention, distraction, or even a freak accident. As we all know, when a gun is involved, even if no one is hurt, the police are likely to be called placing you under the microscope of the legal system. You need legal protection regardless of how or why your gun discharged.

Today, I am proud to announce that the biggest and best firearms legal defense program in the country just got better. At no additional cost to you, your membership now protects you in the event of an accidental or unintended discharge. This exclusive, extended coverage is now a part of your core membership.

Thank you for your continued support of our program and your efforts to help grow the family. The larger we grow, the more we are able to give back in the form of added coverage. Be sure to tell every gun owner you know about the peace of mind you enjoy as a member of Texas and U.S. Law Shield.

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