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Oklahoma: One Pro-Gun Bill Is Still Alive; One Fails

State Representative Jeff Coody

House Bill 2322, which would strengthen state firearms preemption laws to stop a complex patchwork of regulations across the state from occurring, has passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is now in the Senate, where it will await full consideration.

Local ordinances make it difficult for responsible firearm owners to ensure they are following the law. However, in recent years many local governments have enacted gun control ordinances in violation of current preemption law, explained U.S. Law Shield of Oklahoma Independent Program Attorney Robert Robles.

HB 2322 would correct this problem by ensuring laws regarding firearms and ammunition are uniform across the state. It is sponsored by state Representative Jeff Coody.

Attorney Robles said House Bill 2322 clarifies some provisions in the Oklahoma Firearms Act, specifying that municipalities and other political subdivisions of the state may not pass regulations in violation of the provisions of that act and setting guidelines for court awards for anyone who is “adversely affected” by political subdivisions that do so in violation of state law.

Also by Rep. Coody was House Bill 2323, which likewise made it to the Senate after easily winning approval from House members but has since failed. It would have allowed residents who meet certain criteria to carry a pistol, concealed or unconcealed, loaded or unloaded, in their vehicle, without possessing a valid handgun license.

A number of members expressed concern that an individual without a Self Defense Act license would not have proper gun training and, therefore, it would create a dangerous situation.

The post Oklahoma: One Pro-Gun Bill Is Still Alive; One Fails appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.