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Oh Deer! It’s Deer Season in North Carolina!

The following is a video transcript.

Deer hunting season is close at hand. Because of that, I would like to discuss some issues that you need to know before you head out to hunt.


One of the most common errors that hunters make concerns trespassing. This includes trespassing while hunting, trespassing while retrieving killed game, and trespassing while retrieving hunting dogs. In some instances, property owners may or may not object to your hunting on their private property. But if they have posted no trespassing or no hunting signs, you must respect their right to exclude you. They also have a right to make you leave their property even if they have not posted signs. If a property owner verbally tells you to leave their property, you must do so promptly.

If you are not allowed to go on their property, you cannot retrieve any game you shot, nor can you retrieve your dogs. It is important to remember that stand-your-ground law is not applicable to you when you’re trespassing because you’re not in a place you have a right to be. Before using force, especially deadly force, you have a duty to retreat if you can do so safely. If you wish to retrieve game that you shot or your dogs on another’s property, try to find the owner and explain the situation. Odds are they will give you permission to go into their property for the limited purpose of retrieving your kill or your dog. Remember, a little courtesy and respect goes a long way.

Game in Motion

Next, you should know, it is illegal to take any game from or with the use of any vehicle, vessel, airplane, or other conveyance, except for a self-propelled vehicle. No game may be taken from any vessel under sail, under power or with the engine running, or while in motion from such propulsion. Additionally, with the limited exception of disabled individuals whose mobility is limited, no game may be taken from any vehicle if it is in motion, the engine is running, or the passenger area of the vehicle is occupied.

Deer in Water

Finally, you must know that deer in water creates special issues. For example, it is illegal to take a deer swimming or in water above the deer’s knees.

We want you to stay safe and legal this deer hunting season. Remembering these three simple things can keep you from making common deer hunting mistakes. If you have any questions regarding the issues I just discussed, call U.S. LawShield and ask to speak to your Independent Program Attorney.

Between the red tape and fine print, we know sportsman’s laws are tough and can be confusing. A single hunting violation can cost you thousands of dollars. Call us or log in to your member portal today and add HunterShield for game-changing protection.

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