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New Jersey Legislator Introduces Bill Requiring Photos on All Gun Permits

NJ permit

As reported by the Politico New Jersey website, State Senator Teresa Ruiz (D-Essex) has introduced a bill, S2496, which would require a color photo of the applicant on all firearms identification cards, permits to purchase a handgun, and permits to carry a handgun.

New Jersey requires a person wanting to buy a firearm to obtain a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card and/or a Permit to Purchase a Handgun.

Then, to purchase a rifle or shotgun (or a bb or pellet rifle), the individual must present the Firearms Purchaser Identification card along with a photo ID and a completed Certificate of Eligibility that gets submitted to the State.

To buy a handgun (or bb or pellet handgun), the purchaser has to present a Permit to Purchase a Handgun along with one other form of identification. The permit does not have a photo of the purchaser.

Nonetheless, federal law already requires those wanting to purchase a firearm to produce a photo identification prior to the sale.

And New Jersey’s permit to carry a concealed firearm already has a photo of the individual on it.

So the question becomes “Why?”

Sen. Ruiz is reported to have said “I think it’s just an extra measure of security in the event the card gets in the wrong hands.”

Based on Governor Chris Christie’s recent veto of two gun measures that further restricted gun rights, it is highly likely that he would also veto this bill should both houses of the State Legislature pass the proposed bill and send it on to him for consideration.

As of this writing, the bill has been referred to the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee.

We will continue to follow this piece of legislation and keep you informed as to its progress.

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