Maryland Dealer Drops Plan To Sell ‘Smart’ Gun

U.S. Law Shield regrets that Andy Raymond, co-owner of Engage Armament gun store in Rockville, Maryland has received death threats for considering the sale of the Armatix iP1. The iP1 is a 22-caliber gun that has a safety interlock that’s activated by an accompanying bracelet.

One problem is the unproven technology. A bigger worry for us is the unseen legal ramifications, which Mr. Raymond may not have considered.

A New Jersey law (2002) says,

It is within the public interest, and vital to the safety of our families and children, for New Jersey to take the bold and innovative step of fostering the development of personalized handguns by firearms manufacturers. To accomplish this objective, the Legislature determines that it should enact legislation designed to further enhance firearms safety by requiring that, within a specified period of time after the date on which these new personalized handguns are deemed to be available for retail sales purposes, no other type of handgun shall be sold or offered for sale by any registered or licensed firearms dealer in this State.

The way we read the law, New Jersey will only allow smart guns to be sold in the state once there’s a retail-available smart gun for sale.  The Armatix iP1 might start closing NJ’s three-year window if one of the pistols is ever sold.

Would you consider buying an Armatix iP1 if it were available?

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