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Get Our ‘Behind Enemy Lines’ Special Report

Texas Law Shield and U.S. Law Shield were worried to see that on May 12, the New Jersey Senate passed a bill that bans detachable magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and bans .22 rifles with fixed magazines larger than 10 rounds. The bill has several more hurdles to overcome before it becomes law.

The bill gives New Jersey residents 180 days to “transfer, render inoperable, or voluntarily surrender” magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

The rimfire ban in A2006 would include 43 rifles, such as .22 rifles like the Marlin Model 60, Remington Nylon 66, and Winchester 190.

Our concern: If this measure does eventually become law, it will invariably ensnare people who don’t live in the state, but who make life-ruining mistakes of passing through with perfectly legal firearms in their home states. That’s what makes our new publication, “Behind Enemy Lines, A Guide to Traveling through Firearms-Hostile States” so important.

The free report covers the nuances of the federal Firearm Owners Protection Act — but also makes gunowners aware of legal traps they can run into even if they follow federal law.

Download the free report here.

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