Florida Banks: Debunking the Carry Myth

As an Independent Program Attorney for U.S. LawShield of Florida, I am often asked, “Can I carry my gun into a bank?”


Florida is not an open carry state or a constitutional carry state. In order to carry a firearm on your person in public, you must possess a Concealed Weapon and Firearm license (or “CWFL”) from the State of Florida or an equivalent license from a state with reciprocity.

A bank is not one of the listed prohibited places under Florida Statute 790.06, so you are allowed to carry a concealed firearm into a bank with your CWFL. If there is not a “no gun” sign, then you are good to go, but if there is a posted visible “no gun” sign, then the answer is not as simple.

Florida statutes do not directly address whether these signs are enforceable or not. To make things a little more complicated, there are different opinions among the legal community in regard to their enforceability and there is no case law.


Since there are no legal opinions on the subject, you may find yourself the test case if you carry a firearm into a bank with a “no gun” sign and you are arrested. It is better to err on the side of caution and leave your firearm in the car if you see a “no gun” sign at your bank, because if you were arrested and the courts find the sign is enforceable, you could be sentenced up to five years in prison for armed trespass.

Alternatively, if you have been given actual notice by a person in authority at the bank that you may not carry on the property and you persist in doing so, you can also be arrested for armed trespassing.

If you have any questions about carrying a firearm into a bank, call U.S. LawShield and ask to speak to your Independent Program Attorney.

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