Local 2A-friendly facilities are the lifeblood of our program and our communities. These businesses and organizations provide a unique opportunity for us to meet and get to know our U.S. LawShield member family in a welcoming, responsible, gun-friendly environment. This week, we’re taking a look at Whistling Pines Gun Club and what they can offer you as a local 2A leader in your community.
Whistling Pines Gun Club–East
1412 Woolsey Heights
Colorado Springs, CO 80915
Located near Marksheffel and Highway 24 on the east side of Colorado Springs.
Whistling Pines Gun Club–West
4750 Peace Palace PT.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Located near Garden of the Gods Road and Centennial Blvd. on the west side of Colorado Springs.
Whistling Pines Gun Club
Designed to be a unique gun store, indoor shooting range, and training facility, Whistling Pines Gun Club is your one-stop-shop for everything gun related you need. They believe that having the right equipment, receiving outstanding training, and practicing on the range on a regular basis are the keys to skill at arms. This member-only club has served over 4,500 members since 2006.
Meet the Owners
Bob and Joyce Holmes opened Whistling Pines Gun Club to provide the Colorado Springs area an upscale, safe, clean, and family friendly place to shoot for responsible firearms owners. Bob served in the Navy and Joyce served in the Army. They strongly believe in the Second Amendment and your right to defend yourself and your loved ones.
New P.L.A.T. Training Available
Whistling Pines Gun Club is proud to offer members Projected Light Arcade Training (P.L.A.T.). Whistling Pines Gun Club is the first range to offer this training at an affordable price. It is a combination of infrared and film projector for the arcade style firearm training. The Grand Unveiling was on July 28, 2018. Definitely check out this new training during your next visit at Whistling Pines Gun Club.
Supporting businesses like Whistling Pines Gun Club helps promote the rights of responsible gun owners across your community. For more information about Whistling Pines Gun Club, make sure to give them a call at 719-597-3456 (East Club) or 719-375-3636 (West Club) or visit their website at https://whistlingpinesgunclub.com.
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