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Congress to Review SSA's Gun-Stripping Rule as Early as This Week

In a follow-up to our previous reporting here and here, Congress has agreed to review a final rule by the Social Security Administration under the Obama administration that would wrongly strip law-abiding Americans of their Second Amendment rights.

The proposal was first announced in summer of 2015. Congress is now going to review the Obama administration’s unconstitutional ban under the Congressional Review Act (CRA). CRA allows Congress to dispose of any actions an outgoing administration initiates in its last six months. This final rule falls under that time frame, and the review process is expected to move forward in the House and receive a vote as early as this week.

“Last year, the Social Security Administration finalized a proposed rule to ban certain recipients of SSI or disability insurance because of a listed mental health impairment, who also have been assigned a representative payee to manage their benefits because of the person’s mental condition,” said Gordon Cooper, an Independent Program Attorney at the Walker & Byington law firm in Houston. “This ill-conceived action stripped the right to keep and bear arms without due process from some of the most vulnerable Americans.”

Reps. Sam Johnson (R-TX) and Ralph Abraham (R-LA) lead this effort in the House.

Breitbart News reported that “Democrats cannot stop these reversals if Republicans stick together. Because the resolutions only require simple majorities to pass, they will probably sail through the House and then pass the Senate, where Democrats, the minority party, cannot mount a filibuster against them.”

“If you are a Member and have questions about this rule and how it might affect someone in your family, please give us a call at the non-emergency number (281) 668-9957, and our attorneys will explain your options,” Cooper said. “Or send us an email at If Congress acts and revokes the rule, however, then this will no longer be an issue.” — Texas & U.S. Law Shield Staff

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