Congress Introduces Several Gun-Control Bills

Not wanting to let a crisis go to waste, Members of Congress have introduced three separate gun control bills in response to the horrific incident in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. These are in addition to the myriad of anti-bump-stock bills being drafted.

The proposals include HR 3962 to ban online ammunition sales, HR 4025 to require the reporting by dealers the sale of two or more rifles to one individual in a five-day period, and HR 4052 to ban sale and possession of magazines that hold more than ten rounds.


New Jersey Democrat Bonnie Coleman is sponsoring the “Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2017,” (HR 3962), legislation that would require all ammo sales to be conducted face to face so the identity of the buyer could be confirmed, thereby banning ammo sales over the internet. The measure goes further and would require vendors to report sales of more than 1,000 rounds to one person in a five-day period to the U.S. Attorney General as well as state and local law enforcement.


Norma Torres (D-CA) introduced HR 4025, known as the “Multiple Firearm Sales Reporting Modernization Act of 2017.” This proposed measure would amend and expand an existing federal law that currently requires the reporting of two or more handgun sales to the same individual in a five-day period to substitute the word “firearms” in place of “pistols, or revolvers” in the law. Licensed firearms dealers would have to report such transactions to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Currently, multiple handgun sales must be reported by all dealers, and multiple rifle sales by dealers in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas must be reported to the ATF. Torres stated that “Our law enforcement agencies need to know if anyone is stocking up on AR-15s and AK-47s.”


Connecticut Representative, Elizabeth Etsy, introduced the “Keep Americans Safe Act,” (HR 4052), to ban the sale or possession of detachable magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds. Her argument—“No sportsman or woman needs 30 rounds to kill a deer. It’s shameful that we protect our deer better than we protect our people.”

All three bills have been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

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