Law Shield would like to point out a possible investing opportunity some anti-gun groups are unintentionally trying to create for gun-rights supporters.
Campaign to Unload and States United to Prevent Gun Violence have launched a campaign to wipe out gun manufacturers from 401(k) portfolios. was launched on April 30. It represents a backdoor attack on gun rights by attempting to influence the valuation of publicly traded firearms and ammunition-related stocks.
The effort seeks to have investment firms remove publicly held firearms companies from their portfolios: Sturm Ruger (RGR), Smith & Wesson (SWHC), and Olin (OLN). When combined, nearly half of the value of these three companies is held in individuals’ mutual funds.
According to the website, nearly $2 billion mutual fund dollars are invested in the nation’s three largest gun manufacturers.
The website allows individuals to search for their 401(k) provider to find out whether any of the gun manufacturers are held in a given retirement plan. And if so, gun owners might like to thank those firms for investing in proven companies that support the 2nd Amendment.
Law Shield only offers a legal defense program to our members, not investment advice. But we would like to point out that the three companies being targeted by “Unload” have record earnings the past few years. Perhaps “Reload” is a better investment strategy than “Unload.”
It’s not possible to leave a comment on the “Unload” website, but the group does have a Facebook page.
Do you invest in gun stocks? (No, not the kind attached to rifles and shotguns.)
The post Campaign to Reload appeared first on U.S. & Texas LawShield.