Attorney-Answered Emergency Hotline: Your Lifeline for Self-Defense

We at Texas Law Shield firmly believe in education and training. This applies not only to the handling of firearms and how lawfully to defend yourself, but also how to use your 24/7 Attorney-Answered Emergency Hotline.

This hotline is your lifeline to an attorney in a situation where everything you say or do will be under scrutiny, it is important to make sure that you are taking full advantage of all the hotline has to offer.

Call the Hotline!

The first bit of advice we have when it comes to the hotline is to use it!  There have been numerous instances where we have received calls weeks after an incident took place, or sometimes minutes after a member has already spilled his or her guts to the police.

We can’t help you if you don’t call the hotline, after all. So once you’ve called 9-1-1, make sure that you report you were the victim of a crime, and after you’ve hung up with 9-1-1, call the Attorney-Answered Emergency Hotline immediately.

Invoke your rights.

If the police have already arrived, or you were attacked without your cellphone, what should you do? Invoke your rights.

By invoking your right to remain silent and your right to an attorney, you keep from incriminating yourself until you have a chance to speak to your attorney.

In many ways, it is similar to first aid – your goal isn’t to heal yourself. Your goal is to survive until you make it to the emergency room. Likewise, your goal here isn’t to talk the cops out of arresting you; your goal is to make it to your attorney without ensuring a conviction.

What Happens When I Call the Hotline?

Whenever you call the Attorney-Answered Emergency Hotline, you’ll get immediate access to your Independent Program Attorney. We don’t waste time verifying whether you’re a member like an insurance company would. We provide immediate assistance to make sure that you don’t incriminate yourself or do lasting legal harm. During the call, we may ask your name (just so we know who we’re talking to), and then immediately dive in to the story.

We may ask you follow-up questions (how big was the attacker, did you think they were going to seriously hurt you, etc.). We may tell you that you story is perfect as-is, and to tell it in exactly the same way to the police officer.

If it’s beneficial to have an independent program attorney on the scene (and, frankly, it isn’t beneficial in every circumstance), your lawyer may show up and provide further advice.

If someone has already been arrested, we can provide general information as to how the bail bonding process works. The advice you receive will be extremely fact specific, but know that your attorney is prepared to deal with any situation that arises.

Legal Pro-Tip: Stay Out of Earshot of Others

One pro-tip we can give individuals who have to use the hotline is to stay out of the earshot of others. This ranges from law enforcement (for obvious reasons) to civilians, bystanders, or even other family members.

Once there was a member who called the hotline in a 3-way call with a family member. This destroys attorney-client privilege! Keeping the intimate details of your situation privileged is one of the few gifts our legal system gives you, so don’t throw it away carelessly. Make sure no one else is around to hear your conversation with your attorney.

The Attorney-Answered Emergency Hotline is an important lifeline to legal representation in dire circumstances, but don’t forget you can always call your attorneys with firearms related questions on the business line — even if there isn’t an emergency.

The legal system is stacked against you from the get-go, so make sure you get all the help from your Independent Program Attorneys that you need.

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